Cato Handbook for Policymakers 7th Ed.

1. Introduction

2. Limited Government and the Rule of Law

The 112th Congress should:

3. Congress, the Courts, and the Constitution

The 112th Congress should:

4. Cutting Federal Spending

The 112th Congress should:

5. Fiscal Federalism

The 112th Congress should:

Federal Aid: Theory vs. Reality

1. Grants spur wasteful spending.

2. Aid allocation is haphazard.

3. Grants reduce state policy diversity.

4. Grant regulations breed bureaucracy.

5. Grants cause policymaking overload.

6. Grants make government responsibilities unclear.

7. Common problems are not always national priorities.

6. Privatization

The 112th Congress should:

Stand-Alone Businesses


Federal Assets

7. The Delegation of Legislative Powers

The 112th Congress should:

Separation of Powers: The Bulwark of Liberty

The New Deal: “Delegation Running Riot”

Delegation: The Corrosive Agent of Democracy

The Threadbare Case for Delegation

8. Term Limits

Each member of The 112th Congress should:

Term Limits for Committee Chairs

9. Campaign Finance

The 112th Congress should:

10. Reclaiming the War Power

The 112th Congress should:

11. Tort and Class-Action Reform

State legislatures should

The 112th Congress should:

12. Medicare

The 112th Congress should:

13. Medicaid and SCHIP

State legislators should

The 112th Congress should:

14. The Tax Treatment of Health Care

State legislators should

The 112th Congress should:

15. Health Care Regulation

State governments should

The 112th Congress should:

16. Health Insurance Regulation

State legislators should

The 112th Congress should:

17. Social Security

The 112th Congress should:

Simple Rules for Reform

18. Agricultural Policy

The 112th Congress should:

Eight Types of Federal Farm Subsidies

1. Direct payments.
2. Marketing loans.
3. Countercyclical payments.
4. Conservation subsidies.
5. Insurance.
6. Disaster aid.
7. Export subsidies.
8. Agricultural research and statistics.

Six Reasons to Repeal Farm Subsidies

1. Farm subsidies redistribute wealth.
2. Farm subsidies damage the economy.
3. Farm programs are prone to scandal.
4. Farm subsidies damage U.S. trade relations.
5. Farm programs damage the environment.
6. Agriculture would thrive without subsidies.

19. The Defense Budget

Policymakers should

20. K–12 Education

The 112th Congress should:

21. Higher Education Policy

The 112th Congress should:

22. Housing Policy

The 112th Congress should:

State legislators should

23. Interior Department and Public Lands

The 112th Congress should:

24. Surface Transportation Policy

The 112th Congress should:

Failing that, The 112th Congress should:

25. Cultural Agencies

The 112th Congress should:

26. Corporate Welfare and Earmarks

The 112th Congress should:

27. Civil Liberties and Terrorism

The 112th Congress should:

Say No to the Surveillance State

Revamp President Bush’s Prisoner Policies

28. Electronic Surveillance

The 112th Congress should:

29. National ID Systems

Congress and state leaders should

30. Regulation of Electronic Speech and Commerce

The 112th Congress should:

31. Restoring the Right to Bear Arms

The 112th Congress should:

32. Tobacco and the Rule of Law

The 112th Congress should:

33. The War on Drugs

The 112th Congress should:

34. Property Rights and the Constitution

The 112th Congress should:

Property: The Foundation of All Rights

The Police Power and the Power of Eminent Domain

What Congress Should Do

35. The Limits of Monetary Policy

The 112th Congress should:

36. Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation

The 112th Congress should::

37. Telecommunications, Broadband, and Media Policy

The 112th Congress should:

38. Copyright and Patent

The 112th Congress should:

39. Health and Safety Policy

The 112th Congress should:

40. Antitrust

The 112th Congress should:

41. Federal Tax Reform

The 112th Congress should:

42. International Tax Competition

The 112th Congress should:

43. Energy Policy

The 112th Congress should:

44. Environmental Policy

The 112th Congress should:

45. Global Warming and Climate Change

The 112th Congress should:

46. Countering Terrorism

Policymakers should

47. Domestic Security

Policymakers should

48. Strengthening the All-Volunteer Military

Policymakers should

49. Iraq

Policymakers should

50. U.S. Policy toward Iran

Policymakers should

51. U.S. Policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan

Policymakers should

52. U.S. Policy in the Middle East

Policymakers should

53. Relations with China, India, and Russia

Policymakers should

54. East Asian Security Commitments

Policymakers should

55. Transatlantic Relations

Policymakers should

56. U.S. Policy in the Balkans

Policymakers should

57. Relations with Cuba

The 112th Congress should:

58. The International War on Drugs

Policymakers should

59. Trade

The 112th Congress should:

Persistent Myths and Misperceptions about Trade

Myth: Manufacturing Is in Decline . . . and Trade Is to Blame

Myth: The Trade Balance Is the Scoreboard

Myth: Our Trade Partners Cheat

60. Immigration

The 112th Congress should:

61. U.S. Policy toward Latin America

Policymakers should

62. U.S. Policy toward Sub-Saharan Africa

The 112th Congress should:

63. Foreign Aid and Economic Development

The 112th Congress should: