Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Liberty Under God

Congress should

If you're not a Calvinist, you're a deist.

If you're not an anarchist, you're a deist.

Deism is the belief in a "clockmaker god." God creates the universe, winds it up, and walks away, never intervening in history, never overruling the free-will of man.

Calvinism is the belief that God is still God. God intervenes in history whenever He wants, because this is His creation.

Although some of America's Founding Fathers at the end of the 18th century were falling away from their Calvinist upbringings, not a single "deist" signed the Constitution. Not one.

They believed in Providence. Not perfectly, but generally. Providence is the opposite of deism.

The great conflict of our day is that between Calvinist politics and deist politics.

Calvinism teaches that "all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

Deism teaches that God has no purpose toward which all things are predestined to move.

Most people are lukewarm moderates, trying to resist the extremes, stuck between deism and Calvinism. They believe some things work together for good, but not all things.

Calvinists believe that human beings have been given blueprints in the Bible for a prosperous human society. If we follow the blueprints, all things will work together for good, because God rules the nations, blesses obedience, and judges the guilty by cursing disobedience. We can have "a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence," to use the words of the Declaration of Independence, if and only if we obey His commandments.

Most people believe that God's blueprints do not cover every area of human action. The Bible is not a textbook of politics, law, economics, sociology, government, science, the arts, business, or anything else that goes on in "the real world" we're told; just "religion." Only what you believe in your heart for an hour on Sunday morning.

Consistent, radical Calvinists believe that God's Law covers every area of life, and if we obey God's Law, every area of life will be smooth, harmonious, prosperous, and successful.

Most people believe we need wise and benevolent leaders in "the State" to make everything work together for good -- at least in some areas of life.

Calvinists believe we can trust God. Calvinists therefore believe in 100% pure laissez-faire capitalism.

Providence is "Capitalism"

A restored belief in "Providence" will restore America's greatness.

We have only two choices: belief in the Providence of God, or belief in the sovereignty of man.

The "sovereignty of man" always boils down to the sovereignty of The State.

Belief in Providence is belief in "The Free Market." "Capitalism" is trusting in "The Invisible Hand" of Providence rather than the Visible Fist of Government.

This website consists of hundreds of webpages designed to show that we can have "a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence," and need not have "Swarms of Officers" governing every area of our lives. This website advocates abolishing all these officers, and trusting in Divine Providence.

From time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?
In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.
-- President Ronald Reagan, First Inaugural Address

If you didn't find the solution to your problem, type your question in the box below.
I will send you a link to the page that shows how
"The State" can be replaced by obedient trust in "Divine Providence."

next: Campaign Finance, Corruption and the Oath of Office