Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Liberty Under God
Funny Money

Congress should
  • adhere to the Constitutional requirement for Honest Money (Article I, Section 10, Clause 1)
  • Pass the Honest Money Act
  • repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and abolish the Federal Reserve System

  • Why Money is Important
    • Not just because you can spend it to buy stuff, but because stuff doesn't come into existence without money
  • Why Some Money is Immoral
    • Can you describe the fundamental moral difference between a dime minted in 1964, and a dime minted in 1965?
    • The average teenager in colonial America knew more about economic morality than today's adults.
  • How the Federal Reserve Creates Immoral Money
    • It creates money out of thin air, making your money worth less.
    • It loans this new money and charges interest, transferring purchasing power from you to the borrower.
    • This is theft.
  • How the Federal Reserve Corrupts the Entire Economy
    • The Fed "spreads the wealth" from hard-working, successful future-oriented savers to present-oriented borrowers.
    • There is a profound moral dimension to this kind of government-orchestrated economic growth.

Resources on Sound Money

An Overview The Business Cycle
What makes the economy experience periodic booms and busts? Contrary to what Karl Marx claimed, these are not an inevitable feature of a market economy. Economist F.A. Hayek won the Nobel Prize in economics for showing how central banking (the Federal Reserve System in the American case) and its manipulation of the interest rate initiates unsustainable booms that lead inevitably to a bust. This is known as the Austrian theory of the business (or trade) cycle, and it's the subject of this section. What About Deflation?
Because the possibility of "deflation" is so often raised as an objection to a commodity standard, we include a separate section of articles and lectures refuting this specific claim. Much of the material in this section is for the advanced student.


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next: Campaign Finance, Corruption and the Oath of Office