Your neighbor on the left votes for left-wing politicians. Your neighbor on the right votes for right-wing politicians. Left-wing politicians have promised your neighbor on the left a government check. Right-wing politicians have promised your neighbor on the right a government check. Their government benefits are coming out of your paycheck. 50% cut for politicians Are you an innocent victim? Not really. The politician you vote for has passed a law making it illegal for one of your neighbors to compete against you in your business. The other neighbor is forced to buy your product even though sellers from foreign countries are willing to sell a better product to your neighbor at a lower price. These regulations add thousands of dollars a year to their cost of living. The State is the great fiction -- bastiat Murderers and rapist, not laborers, buyers, consumers. You think you're shrewd to vote for a politician who gives you thousands of dollars a year in government benefits. What you don't realize is that your politician can only get enough votes to pass the law benefitting you if he promises to vote for the laws benefitting your neighbors at your expense. You get thousands a year in benefits, but you pay 2 or 3 times more in hidden taxes. Buying a $25,000 car? You'll be paying $10-13,000 in taxes that are passed onto you by the manufacturers of the various components of the car.