The Declaration of Redependence

A merger of the Declaration of Independence, current national issues in light of God’s Ten Commandments and our American Values to form both, a unifying document and a plan of action from which to radically alter the future of American history and -transform- lives.  
The Declaration of Redependence  
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to re-affirm the laws of nature and nature’s God, a decent respect for the opinion of all of mankind requires that we declare the causes which impel us to take action.  
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty and property.  
To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government.  
Governments long established should not be changed lightly; history has shown that people are more willing to suffer, evils that are tolerable, than to change the situation to which they have become accustomed. But when a long history of abuses and usurpations, all intending to reduce their society to the absolute subjection of a Godless, elitist, socialist dictatorship, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide a new direction for their future and security or return to the old direction.
Such has been the patient sufferance of our citizens; and such is now the necessity which constrains us to remove, by the normal and lawful election process, our government leaders. The history of the current President, Congress and Judiciary is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Godless, federal dictatorship and tyranny over these states and their residents.  
It is wholly unacceptable that many of the problems experienced by a nation are at their very origin, the result of disregard for or direct violation of the mandates issued by our living Creator through the Ten Commandments contained in His Holy Bible  
Governments further compound the abuse upon their citizenry when its rules and laws, or failure to provide such direction, create an environment which entices men to compromise or violate these fundamental spiritual laws in their personal lives, families and business.  
To prove this, let these facts be submitted to a candid world:  
Enslaving Citizens with Excessive Taxes and Compounding National Debt Must Stop - Tax dollar bailouts and take-over of Companies, failure to balance budgets, the compounding federal debt, the excessive size of the federal government bureaucracies and failure to stimulate free markets with tax cuts. The President and our current Congressional Representatives leverage human needs and big-government greed by facilitating the redistribution of personal wealth in violation of Gods 8th commandment and encumber citizens through their disregard for the 10th.  
Free-market Solutions for Healthcare Reforms, Entitlement Program Reforms, Education Reforms Are Needed - Failure of our leaders to find free market and spiritual based solutions for these human needs cause citizens to flirt with compromising God’s 5th through 10th behavioral mandates. Attempts to leverage human needs and suffering and the redistribution of wealth for political power or personal enrichment has its roots in the breach of Gods first three Commandments.  
National Security and the War On Terrorism Is Vital- Failing to protect our national sovereignty with
border security
unification through a common language,
flagrant illegal immigration,
placating adversaries of personal freedom and free markets,
threatening gun ownership rights,
failing to define treason against our nation; especially during times of war. 
Our President and weak Congressional leaders along with Judges by default, invite terrorists who have disdain for God’s Commandments and inflict our citizens with foreign invaders, some intent upon violating His last five behavioral mandates.
Use of All America’s Energy Resources In America for America NOW -Failure to plan for the responsible use of our God-given natural resources and fossil fuels and the ultimate free market transition into renewable clean energy sources. Our President and Congressional Representatives practice a flagrant assault upon God’s first three Commandments and facilitate their quest for power and personal gain in disregard of our Lords final three Commandments.  
Integrity of Public Servants is Vital - Earmarks, no-bid-contracts, special family enrichment abuses, failure to implement term limits and excessive lifetime benefits for elected officials. Our President and Congressional Representatives ignore the ramifications of His 10th Commandment, and selectively enjoy the violation of Gods final four behavioral laws.  
Fair/Flat Tax Systems to Replace the IRS - Failure to implement a method of fair taxation to replace the oppressive government tax structure, excessive bureaucracy and the resulting free-market disincentives. The failure of government to provide a different plan for taxation has its roots in the usurpation of the 1st Commandment and results in compounding violations of His final three Commandments.  
Judicial Reforms Are Needed - The unconstitutional legislating from the judicial bench, establishing immoral precedents and ignoring the original intent of the US Constitution. Judicial arrogances prove a complete contempt for Gods first three Commandments and selective disregard for our Creators 5th, 7th, and 10th directives, while facilitating their erosion.  
America’s Judeo-Christian Spiritual Foundation and Responsibilities of American Citizens Recognized - Disrespect for our God and Creator, His Words in the Holy Bible and the Ten Commandments, His imprint upon our founding documents plus the assault on the traditional family and life issues moral decline in our society, contributes to the loss of our principles, values and Common Sense. Our current government leaders and judiciary revel in the violation of Gods first three Commandments and cause our citizens to be in frequent conflict with His other behavioral dictums.  
Confiscation by excessive taxation is an insidious assault on a society. Any government which willfully forces the redistribution of private wealth, property and resources commits an act of treason against the citizens of our free market based constitutional republic.  
We, therefore, the representatives of the Community Caucuses across the United States of America, in person or electronically, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these communities, solemnly publish and declare, that our citizens are entitled to a change of representation through the normal and lawful election process.  That our preferred candidates will pledge to uphold all these values and principles as well as those stated within:  
 The Declaration of American Values and Pledges   
We the people of the United States of America, at this crucial time in history, do hereby affirm the core consensus values which form the basis of America’s greatness, that all men and women from every race and ethnicity are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We adhere to the rule of law embodied in the Constitution of the United States and to the principles of liberty on which America was founded. In order to maintain the blessings of liberty and justice for ourselves and our posterity, and recognizing that personal responsibility is the basis of our self-governing Nation, we declare our allegiance –  
1. To secure the sanctity of human life by affirming the dignity of and right to life for the disabled, the ill, the aged, the poor, the disadvantaged, and for the unborn from the moment of conception. Every person is made in the image of God, and it is the responsibility and duty of all individuals and communities of faith to extend the hand of loving compassion to care for those in poverty and distress.  
2. To secure our national interest in the institution of marriage and family by embracing the union of one man and one woman as the sole form of legitimate marriage and the proper basis of family.  
3. To secure the fundamental rights of parents to the care, custody, and control of their children regarding their upbringing and education.  
4. To secure the free exercise of religion for all people, including the freedom to acknowledge God through our public institutions and other modes of public expression and the freedom of religious conscience without coercion by penalty or force of law.  
5. To secure the moral dignity of each person, acknowledging that obscenity, pornography, and indecency debase our communities, harm our families, and undermine morality and respect. Therefore, we promote enactment and enforcement of laws to protect decency and traditional morality.  
6. To secure the right to own, possess and manage private property without arbitrary interference from government, while acknowledging the necessity of maintaining a proper and balanced care and stewardship of the environment and natural resources for the health and safety of our families.  
7. To secure the individual right to own, possess, and use firearms as central to the preservation of peace and liberty.  
8. To secure a system of checks and balances between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches within both state and federal governments, so that no one branch – particularly the judiciary – usurps the authority of the other two, and to maintain the constitutional principles of federalism which divide power between the state and federal governments.  
9. To secure our national sovereignty and domestic tranquility by maintaining a strong military; establishing and maintaining secure national borders; participating in international and diplomatic affairs without ceding authority to foreign powers that diminish or interfere with our unalienable rights; and being mindful of our history as a nation of immigrants, promoting immigration policies that observe the rule of law and are just, fair, swift, and foster national unity.  
10. To secure a system of fair taxes that are not punitive against the institution of marriage or family and are not progressive in nature, and within a limited government framework, to encourage economic opportunity, free enterprise, and free market competition.  
I believe in a balanced budget and therefore will vote for a freeze in government spending until that goal is realized.  
I believe government should not increase the financial burden on its citizenry during difficult economic times therefore I will oppose all tax increases until our economy has rebounded.  
I believe more than four decades of U.S. dependence on foreign oil is a travesty therefore I will support an energy plan that calls for immediately increasing usage of all domestic energy resources including nuclear energy, natural gas, oil and coal as necessary.  
I believe in the sovereignty of our country and therefore will support measures to close our borders except for designated immigration points so we will know who is entering and why and I will vehemently oppose any measure giving another country, the United Nations, or any other unconstitutional entity (including Czars), power over U.S. citizens.  
I believe the United States of America is the greatest country on earth with a Divinely inspired US Constitution and therefore will not apologize for policies or actions which have served throughout history to free more and feed more people around the world than any other nation on the planet.  
We hereby pledge our Names, our Lives and our Sacred Honor to this Declaration of American Values and Pledges. (Signed/sealed by candidates for public office)  
We will work together on citizen education, the motivation of a higher caliber of candidates to pursue public service and election results that insure the institution of our public policies, herein. For the support of these Declarations, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, these True Patriots of America mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.  

Tea Party - The Declaration of Redependence