Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Bringing LIBERTY to Capitol Hill -- 2010
Saturday Morning, January 2nd, 2010, 10:30am

A Discussion of The President's Saturday Morning Radio Address

Click here to listen to the January 2nd, 2010 Ozarks Virtual Town Hall

Notes and Summary of the President's Weekly Radio Address:
"Steps Taken to Protect the Safety and Security of the American People"

The White House Press Office:  In his weekly address, President Barack Obama discussed his solemn responsibility to protect the nation and the steps the administration has taken to that end. From ordering reviews into the attempted act of terrorism in Detroit to a comprehensive strategy that has refocused our efforts on the fight against al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan and strengthened international partnerships to keep unrelenting pressure on extremists across the globe, the President will continue to do everything in his power to uphold the nation’s security.   (continued below)

How the President Differs from the American vision of "Liberty Under God":

  • The Constitution:
  • The Free Market:

    • America's Founders spoke of America as "an Experiment in Liberty" (1787-1887)
      • The "experiment" was a success: a Free Market made America the most prosperous and admired nation in history. "Capitalism" means freedom.
    • In the 20th century, the experiment in liberty was replaced with another experiment: an experiment in central planning
    • The original American dream of personal, private ownership, has been replaced with private indebtedness and public control.
    • The Invisible Hand of the Free Market works better than the Visible Fist of Government
    • America was founded on the philosophy of "Liberty Under God."
      • "Liberty" means freedom from government suppression of ideas and confiscation of wealth
      • "Under God" means we have a personal responsibility to love God and neighbor.
    • The original American Dream: Everyone dwelling safely under his own Vine & Fig Tree
      • Human beings are endowed with the right to property by God, not the government.
    • America was founded as a "City upon a Hill," a Christian nation from which the Gospel would be promoted around the world.
  • Terrorism
    • Why do they call America "The Great Satan?"
      • We bomb Muslims

      • We have military bases in Muslim nations

      • We support Israel 

    • These are the reasons given by Osama bin Laden for declaring a "fatwah" (holy war) against the U.S.
    • All of these accusations are true.
    • All of these government actions are contrary to the Constitution.
    • The biggest cause of terrorism -- and the most dangerous threat to the personal safety and security of ordinary Americans like you and me -- is the Federal Government of the United States.
  • The New World Order
    • The "G-20" Leaders are not our representatives.
    • The federal government is no longer a City upon a Hill, but an imperialist empire, working with dictators around the globe.
    • America's Founders envisioned the American people, acting as businessmen, humanitarians, and missionaries, engaging in commercial and charitable activities around the world, bringing peace and receiving the admiration of the world.
      • "The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible."
        — Washington, Farewell Address (1796) [Washington’s emphasis]

      • "I deem [one of] the essential principles of our government, and consequently [one] which ought to shape its administration,…peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none."
        — Jefferson, First Inaugural Address (1801) 

    • Bush's unconstitutional military invasion of Iraq has destroyed Christianity in that country.
      • Under Saddam Hussein's secular government, Christians in Iraq had greater freedom than in most other Arab nations, and one of the largest Christian populations in the Muslim world was in Iraq.
      • Iraq is now an Islamic theocracy under Sharia law. The Christian population has been destroyed. Christian Churches are burned and terrorized with impunity.
    • Obama is following in Bush's unconstitutional, anti-Christian footsteps.
    • The U.S. needs to take greater leadership in avoiding nuclear mass-murder.
    • Is any war a "Just War?" We must beat our "swords into plowshares."
  • Socialized Medical Care
    • Capitalism, not socialism, creates higher quality health care for more people, especially for the poor.
    • Health care reforms should decrease, not increase, government involvement.
      • No Government licensing of doctors and other healthcare providers.
      • No transformation of insurance into welfare.
  • Time for Revolution?

President Obama's
Saturday Morning Radio Address

Another Perspective:
Liberty Under God"

It has now been more than a week since the attempted act of terrorism aboard that flight to Detroit on Christmas Day.  On Thursday, I received the preliminary findings of the reviews that I ordered into our terrorist watchlist system and air travel screening.  I've directed my counterterrorism and homeland security advisor at the White House, John Brennan, to lead these reviews going forward and to present the final results and recommendations to me in the days to come. The Old "False-Flag Trick"? by William Norman Grigg, Pro Libertate

     In an utterly predictable response to an unsuccessful attempt by a would-be Jihadist to emasculate himself in mid-air by detonating a small explosive charge (a very small one, of course), the Regime is moving, slowly but inexorably, in the direction of requiring airline passengers to strip nude. 
     There is plentiful evidence to suggest that the same Regime acted as an accomplice -- most likely a passive one -- in that same failed bombing attempt. Call it a delayed-action nude bomb: One Nigerian nutcase conceals a firecracker in his wedding tackle, and before long everybody will have to strip nude in order to fly. 
     Granted, the nudity would be "virtual," temporary, and limited in its exposure. Passengers would be violated one at a time by the same thoughtful people who have made a career out of rifling through other people's dirty underwear.
     Airport security screeners have "got to have some way of detecting things in parts of the body that aren't easy to get at," insists former Homeland Security Commissar Michael Chertoff. "It's either pat-downs or imaging."

 As I said this week, I will do everything in my power to make sure our hard-working men and women in our intelligence, law enforcement and homeland security communities have the tools and resources they need to keep America safe.  This includes making sure these communities—and the people in them—are coordinating effectively and are held accountable at every level.  And as President, that is what I will do.
 Meanwhile, the investigation into the Christmas Day incident continues, and we're learning more about the suspect.  We know that he traveled to Yemen, a country grappling with crushing poverty and deadly insurgencies.  It appears that he joined an affiliate of al Qaeda, and that this group-al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula-trained him, equipped him with those explosives and directed him to attack that plane headed for America.      A third alternative is to avoid commercial aviation outright whenever possible. I suspect an ever-larger number of Americans are going to join me in choosing what's behind door number three. 
     Government is the only human enterprise that profits from failure. Once that principle is understood, many otherwise inexplicable choices made by ruling elites and their servants can be made intelligible.
This is not the first time this group has targeted us.  In recent years, they have bombed Yemeni government facilities and Western hotels, restaurants and embassies—including our embassy in 2008, killing one American.  So, as President, I've made it a priority to strengthen our partnership with the Yemeni government—training and equipping their security forces, sharing intelligence and working with them to strike al Qaeda terrorists.
     For instance, we can begin to understand the perverse persistence governments display in courting preventable catastrophes, and then capitalizing on such incidents to enhance their powers to do exactly the same things that resulted in disaster. In this case, in addition to requiring the helotry to undergo unconscionable personal violations before flying, the Regime is exploiting the incident aboard Northwest Flight 253 to escalate the ongoing military assault on Yemen, thereby increasing the human misery that helps propel international terrorism.
     And so it is that the
Regime -- which has squandered trillions of debased dollars in the name of "fighting terrorism" (hundreds of billions to build a domestic garrison state, and even greater sums to conduct wars of aggression overseas) -- will continue to do exactly the same thing following an episode that demonstrates, beyond serious dispute, that the "war on terror" has done exactly nothing to make Americans safer.
     While it's not clear that the flight was in mortal danger, it is clear that the plot failed because a detonator failed to ignite, and a group of passengers shed the shackles of government-imposed docility to subdue the terrorist suspect. The attempt to massacre the passengers of Flight 253 was stopped without the Regime's help -- and in spite of what has to be considered, at very best, the Regime's criminal negligence.
     Owing to what must have been an anguished report from his father, Umar Abdulmutallab was known to the CIA and the State Department as a potential terrorist. Umar Mutallab the elder, a banking official from Nigeria, met personally with CIA officials to express concerns that his son -- who had gone to Yemen for the supposed purpose of studying Arabic -- was falling into the company of suspected terrorists.
     U.S. officials took this valuable intelligence and promptly buried Abdulmutallab's name in an official database. Yet it was not placed on the official "no-fly list"; apparently, that status is reserved for
people who make themselves troublesome to the Executive Branch without actually posing a threat to innocent people.
     Additional layers of official negligence were revealed by a
passenger named Kurt Haskell, who was next to Abdumutallab as the would-be bomber checked in at the airport in Amsterdam:
"An Indian man in a nicely dressed suit around age 50 approached the check in counter with the terrorist and said `This man needs to get on this flight and he has no passport.' The two of them were an odd pair as the terrorist is a short, black man that looked like he was very poor and looks around age 17 (although I think he is 23 he doesn't look it). It did not cross my mind that they were terrorists, only that the two looked weird together. The ticket taker said `you can't board without a passport.' The Indian man then replied, `He is from Sudan, we do this all the time.' I can only take from this to mean that it is difficult to get passports from Sudan and this was some sort of sympathy ploy. The ticket taker then said `You will have to talk to my manager,' and sent the two down a hallway. I never saw the Indian man again as he wasn't on the flight. It was also weird that the terrorist never said a word in this exchange. Anyway, somehow, the terrorist still made it onto the plane. I am not sure if it was a bribe or just sympathy from the security manager."
     Haskell also says that he stood a few yards away from another Indian man who was handcuffed and held in customs "after a bomb sniffing dog detected a bomb in his carry on bag and he was searched after we landed. This was later confirmed while we were in customs when an FBI agent said to us `You are being moved to another area because this area is not safe. Read between the lines. Some of you saw what just happened.'.... What also didn't make the news is that we were held on the plane for 20 minutes AFTER IT LANDED!. A bomb could have gone off then. This wasn't too smart of security to not let us off the plane immediately."
     Assuming that Haskell's account is correct, Abdulmutallab received some variety of official help to board the plane, and may have been part of a team of bombers. The reported connection to India is of particular interest, given a growing dispute between Mumbai and Washington over a Pakistani-born U.S. citizen allegedly involved in the 2008 terrorist rampage at the Taj Mahal Hotel that left 166 people dead. David Headley (nee Daood Syed Ginlani; he changed his name in 2006) moved from Pakistan to Philadelphia in 1977.
     After being convicted of heroin smuggling in 1998, Ginlani served 15 months before agreeing to work as an informant for the DEA. Indian officials believe that Headley/Ginlani was working for the federal government -- the CIA and FBI, in addition to the DEA -- up until last October, when he was arrested in Chicago.
     Indian officials accuse Headley of working with Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency in coordinating the Taj Mahal Hotel assault. They also assert that in a return trip to India last March,
Headley cased potential targets for another terrorist attack by the Lashkar-e-Taiba ("Army of the Pure"), a Pakistani terrorist group. Indian officials are desperate to question Headley, but Washington refuses to grant access.
     After wading in the tenebrous waters of the global "intelligence community," brief recap is appropriate here:
The CIA was informed that Abdumutallab was a potential terrorist. Yet he wasn't put on the "no-fly list," and was even permitted to board a U.S.-bound plane without a passport. The individual who reportedly shepherded the bomber aboard the plane was a well-dressed, official-looking fellow from India. After Flight 253 landed in Detroit, a second individual from India was arrested after a bomb was detected in his luggage. All of this happens a little more than a year after India suffered an horrific terrorist attack in which (according to both U.S. and Indian intelligence officials) an American intelligence asset named David Headley was implicated. Headley is in the custody of the government that employed him as an informant, and which now refuses to permit investigators representing a supposed ally to interrogate him.
     Those of a cynical cast of mind might wonder if RAW (the Research and Analysis Wing, India's CIA) had helped Abdumutallab hitch a ride on Flight 253 in order to send a message to Langley. Those whose cynicism is a bit riper might wonder if the boys at Langley had become aware of the plot involving Abdumutallab and permitted it to go forward in the service of Washington's agenda -- which includes escalating a previously covert military campaign in Yemen, the country where the jockstrap bomber reportedly was tutored in terrorism by al-Qaeda.
     Whenever somebody ventures into conspiratorial speculation of this kind he can expect a reminder from the bien-pensants that government is too inept to carry out secret schemes of such detail and complexity.
     Dismissive arguments of that kind generally come from people who are quite convinced of the ability of that same incompetent government to carry out very challenging undertakings, such as running a nationalized health-care system, or creating western-style democracy in Iraq.
     While it is true that government is incurably incompetent with respect to any genuinely worthwhile productive enterprise, it is an astonishingly efficient engine of plunder and destruction. However useless the CIA and its kindred agencies may be in collecting and analyzing reliable intelligence, they display considerable gifts when it comes to arranging politically useful mischief.

     One useful case study that bears more than a passing resemblance to the abortive bombing of Flight 253 in the plot to carry out a bombing rampage in New York City following the first World Trade Center attack in 1993.
    Omar Abdel-Rahman, the radical Egyptian mullah who was convicted in 1996 of inspiring and giving direction to that plot, became a CIA asset in 1987, despite the fact that he was on a State Department terrorist "watch list."
     Abdel-Rahman's role was to recruit mujahadeen to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, and to act as a cut-out to provide them with financial and material aid. He remained on the CIA's payroll after the Red Army left Afghanistan in January 1989.
     In 1990, Abdel-Rahman obtained a visa to travel to the United States -- once again, despite the fact that his name was on a "watch list." It was his monumental good fortune to apply for that visa at the U.S. consulate in Khartoum while the official who usually handles such details was out to lunch; that official's replacement was a CIA operative.
     Abdel-Rahman's relocation to Brooklyn was arranged by a small knot of radicals who included at least two people who were on Washington's payroll: Mahmoud Abouhalima, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood (the taproot of modern Islamic terrorism and -- not surprisingly -- a major beneficiary of CIA largesse) who had been part of a CIA-sponsored mujahadeen group in Afghanistan; and former Special Forces Captain Ali A. Mohammed, an Egyptian-born member of Islamic Jihad who had recruited and trained Muslim warriors to fight in Afghanistan.
     Mohammed, it was later revealed, also worked as an informant for the FBI. It's not clear if he was on the Bureau's payroll at the time of the 1993 WTC bombing. If so, that means that there were two FBI assets within that cell -- Mohammed and an Egyptian intelligence agent named Emad Salem.

     Although the January 1993 WTC bombing failed to achieve its objective -- which was to collapse one of the towers into the other, creating a domino effect that would have slaughtered thousands -- the assault did kill several people and injure hundreds more.

     Salem, who secretly recorded many of his conversations with his FBI handlers, later revealed that the FBI had detailed prior knowledge of that plot and had promised him that the WTC bomb would secretly be rendered inert before it was used.
     "You saw this bomb went off ... and you know that we could avoid that," Salem rebuked FBI special agent John Anticev following the blast. "You get paid, guys, to prevent things like this from happening."
     After the bombing, the FBI inserted Salem into the cell once again. In that capacity he helped create a "battle plan" that targeted various official buildings in New York City, as well as the Holland and London tunnels.
     On June 23, 1993, FBI agents arrested the plotters as they were mixing fertilizer and diesel fuel to build another bomb.
     This story (which I have recounted in greater detail elsewhere) took a really interesting turn just shortly before Abdel-Rahman's trial. Ali Mohammed, who played a central role in the first WTC attack, was listed as an "un-indicted co-conspirator" with Abdel-Rahman. Roger Stavis, the attorney for indicted co-conspirator El Sayyd Nosair, attempted without success to deliver a subpoena to Mohammed as a defense witness. Mohammed -- who was in federal custody -- didn't answer the summons.
     In March 2001, Mohammed pleaded guilty -- in exchange for "considerations" -- to charges arising from
the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed 258 people. He then promptly disappeared without being sentenced.
Intelligence analyst J.M. Berger, publisher of the valuable Intelwire news service, points out that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who was considered the Justice Department's "top gun" on al-Qaeda, regarded Mohammed as the architect of "al Qaeda's terrorist infrastructure in the U.S."
     On the basis of his extensive study of the available evidence, Berger concludes that Mohammed "called the shots" on the 1993 WTC bombing -- the man behind Ramzi Yousef, the individual convicted of building the bomb -- and was the most important organizer of the network behind the 9/11 assault.
     And Mohammed -- a former U.S. Special Forces sergeant and FBI asset -- is being protected by the Regime to this day.
     Many serious and sober people believe that the accepted narrative of the 9/11 atrocities is entirely fictitious. But in light of the role played by veteran U.S. asset Ali Mohammed, it's incontestable that the attack was, in some sense, an "inside job" even if one accepts the standard "nineteen Muslims armed with boxcutters" version of the event.
     According to the Regime, Abdulmuttab is telling his interrogators that there are many more mad bombers in the pipeline. This is probably true, and it's likely that at least some, if not most, of them have cashed checks written by the same people who hired the likes of Adbel-Rahman and Ali Mohammed.
     False-flag terrorism is among the oldest tricks in the intelligence playbook. It has been an official option of the military-industrial-homeland security complex since 1962, when General Lyman Louis Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, filed the "Operation Northwoods" memorandum outlining various elaborate schemes to stage terrorist attacks against Americans as pretexts for war.
     It's doubtful that this side of eternity we'll ever learn the full truth about 9/11 or the first World Trade Center bombing. But we have learned enough from those atrocities, as well as subsequent episodes of what Lew Rockwell aptly calls "security theater," to justify suspicions that the Christmas drama aboard Flight 253 was another example of what Maxwell Smart, the patron saint of self-important spooks, would call the old "False-Flag Trick."
And even before Christmas Day, we had seen the results.  Training camps have been struck; leaders eliminated; plots disrupted.  And all those involved in the attempted act of terrorism on Christmas must know-you too will be held to account.
But these efforts are only part of a wider cause.  It's been nearly a year since I stood on the steps of the U.S. Capitol and took the oath of office as your President.  And with that oath came the solemn responsibility that I carry with me every moment of every day-the responsibility to protect the safety and security of the American people.
On that day I also made it very clear—our nation is at war against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred, and that we will do whatever it takes to defeat them and defend our country, even as we uphold the values that have always distinguished America among nations.
And make no mistake, that's exactly what we've been doing.  It's why I refocused the fight—bringing to a responsible end the war in Iraq, which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, and dramatically increasing our resources in the region where al Qaeda is actually based, in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  It's why I've set a clear and achievable mission—to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda and its extremist allies and prevent their return to either country.
And it's why we've forged new partnerships, as in Yemen, and put unrelenting pressure on these extremists wherever they plot and train—from East Africa to Southeast Asia, from Europe to the Persian Gulf.  And though often out of sight, our progress has been unmistakable.  Along with our partners, we've disrupted terrorist financing, cut off recruiting chains, inflicted major losses on al Qaeda's leadership, thwarted plots here in the United States, and saved countless American lives.
Yet as the Christmas Day attempt illustrates, and as we were reminded this week by the sacrifices of more brave Americans in Afghanistan—including those seven dedicated men and women of the CIA—the hard work of protecting our nation is never done.  So as our reviews continue, let us ask the questions that need to be asked.  Let us make the changes that need to be made.  Let us debate the best way to protect the country we all love.  That is the right and responsibility of every American and every elected official.
But as we go forward, let us remember this—our adversaries are those who would attack our country, not our fellow Americans, not each other. Let's never forget what has always carried us through times of trial, including those attacks eight Septembers ago.
Instead of giving in to fear and cynicism, let's renew that timeless American spirit of resolve and confidence and optimism.  Instead of succumbing to partisanship and division, let's summon the unity that this moment demands.  Let's work together, with a seriousness of purpose, to do what must be done to keep our country safe.
As we begin this New Year, I cannot imagine a more fitting resolution to guide us—as a people and as a nation.

Why Americans Should Celebrate Christmas by
Overthrowing the Federal Government

The word "Christ" means "King." The Message of Christmas and the Principles set forth by the Christ (the Messiah) who came that first Christmas are the real solution to America's problems. The Federal Government is at war with Christmas and "The Way of Peace" announced by the Prince of Peace. The Government should be on His shoulders (Isaiah 9:6-7). Abolishing a Messianic State is the only appropriate way to honor the Messiah. Otherwise Christmas becomes mass hypocrisy.



John 1:1-18 - The Incarnation
The Word became flesh. The Creator of the universe becomes a human being. He came to His own, but His own did not receive Him, preferring darkness rather than light.
"The State is God walking on Earth"

The 2 parties are cooperating rival sects in the world's most powerful religious cult.

Luke 1:1-4
Eyewitnesses of the Messiah recorded their testimony. Co-Founder of the Harvard Law School says their testimony would prove the resurrection in any court of law in America, at one time a Christian nation.
No longer a Christian nation, American courts routinely release the guilty and condemn the innocent.
Matthew 1:1-17
Jesus was a descendant of King David. The Jews gave us the Bible.
Obama is a distant cousin of both Dick Cheney and George Bush

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Luke 3:23-38
Jesus was a descendant of Abraham.
All those who submit to Jesus as the Messiah (the rightful king of the earth) inherit the promises made to Abraham
Those who reject the Messiah do not inherit the promises made to Abraham, even though Bush defends their right to do so.
Luke 1:5-25
John the Baptist prepares the way for the Messiah, as prophesied of Elijah.
As you read the Gospel accounts, ask yourself how you would react if you knew these accounts were really true. Not just true in some "religious" sense, but reported in the New York Times, proven in a court of law, or acknowledged by your personal hero.  (How do you know something is true? Do you even have any "heroes?") How should you change your life if your Creator became a human being? How should Washington D.C. react if this human being claimed to be the true Ruler?
Luke 1:26-38
The Angel Gabriel announces the conception of the Messiah, who will be given the throne of David.
Luke 1:39-45
The unborn John recognizes the mother of the Messiah.
Bush-Obama would chop the unborn John and the unborn Jesus into stem cells for "medical research."
Luke 1:46-56 - "The Magnificat"
“He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.” Luke 1:51
The Bush Administration is filled with the power-hungry, who commit adultery in reality or in fantasy.
Luke 1:67-80
Zacharias, John the Baptist's father, prophecies the birth of Jesus the anti-king.
The expectations of Zacharias are 180° opposite those of the Bush-Obama Administration.
Matthew 1:18-25
Joseph told about the Incarnation.
"Jesus" means "salvation"
"Immanuel" means "God with us"
The Bush Administration thinks it brings salvation.

Obama thinks he is Immanuel.

Luke 2:1-7
The Prophet Micah predicted that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Jesus' parents lived in Nazereth. Therefore God predestined Caesar to issue a decree (probably relating to taxes) that would bring Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem before Jesus was born.
Bush claims the same global power of confiscation and migration as Caesar did. Thousands of Christians have been forced to move out of Iraq to make way for Bush's Islamic Theocracy.
Luke 2:8-14
An army of angels announces the birth of the Messiah, saying,
“Glory to God in the highest,
      And on earth peace to those with whom He is pleased!”
Man's chief end is to glorify God and live in peace. The Bush Administration's chief end is to erect a "wall of separation" between God and government so that the State gives no glory to God, and to wage war, thereby "stimulating the economy."
Luke 2:15-20
“Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds.”
Washington D.C. isn't listening.
Luke 2:22-24
Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem to obey Leviticus 12:8, which suggests that they were not rich.
Washington politicians are among the richest and most financially secure people in America.
Luke 2:25-35
Simeon had been told he would not die before he saw the Lord's Messiah. He says Jesus is "The One."

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

Luke 2:36-38
Anna the Prophetess is another well-known Godly person who acknowledges that Jesus is the Child promised by the prophets.
Where is the Anna of our day who tells us we can trust Washington D.C. to bring salvation?
Matthew 2:1-8
"Wise men from the East" knew of Micah's prophecy that the King of the Jews would be born in Bethlehem.
Are there any wise men around the world who place their confidence in George Bush, Henry Paulson, Paul Krugman, or Barack Obama?
Matthew 2:9-12
The kings from the east present the Messiah with "gold, frankincense, and myrrh."
Rather than bestowing wealth on the King, Obama-Bush confiscates the wealth of others.
Matthew 2:13-18
When Herod got word of the birth of a rival king, he behaved in a perfectly logical way (for someone who wants to protect his power):  he massacred all male babies the age of Jesus. Herod recognized that Jesus was a threat to Herod's power.
Every day in America 4,000 unborn babies are murdered. These babies must threaten something.

Millions of Americans who call themselves Christians, on the other hand, are no threat to tyranny. None of them are being killed. Bush has killed a thousand times more human beings than Herod did, and confiscated a billion times more wealth than Herod did.

Listeners' Questions

Kevin Craig's Platform:

The Republican Party Radio Address:

Response of the Republican Party
Saturday Morning Radio Address


Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell Delivers Weekly GOP Address  
This is Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.  
The new year always brings with it renewed hope and a spirit of optimism — qualities that have exemplified our nation and its people from the very start.  
One such moment that stands out took place on this very day in 1777, along the New Jersey-Pennsylvania border.  
The Continental Army, under the direction of George Washington, had just finished a daring but successful surprise attack on the British at Trenton.  
In retaliation, the British launched an attack of its own on the Continental Army.  
But instead of retreating, Washington ordered his troops to stay and fight.  
It was a daring move.  
When the soldiers in the Continental Army saw the size and strength of the enemy arrayed against it, many of them were filled with dread.  
But, as one historian put it, even in that awful moment … “these men had a sense of their own strength, a confidence in one another ... and a feeling that Providence was with them that night.” Belief in "providence" is a mark of a Theocracy.
Against impossible odds, these rag-tag patriots broke the enemy column, forcing the British to retreat. And at the moment of victory, the entire continental line is said to have triumphantly shouted as one.  
The second battle of Trenton was a great victory for Washington’s troops. And it was a great moral victory for a young nation that had become exhausted and discouraged by war.  
Two hundred and thirty three years later, Americans haven’t lost the spirit of Trenton. Yes they have.
Two long and difficult wars, a prolonged recession, double-digit unemployment — these are difficult days for our nation.  
And in this new year, we’re grateful for the courageous men and women of our own day who keep a lonely watch to defend the cause of liberty. We’re also painfully aware of how many Americans were out of work this Christmas. The Troops Don't Defend Our Freedoms


But these challenges don’t define us as a people. What’s always defined America is its ability to overcome even the most daunting difficulties.  
So in this new year we can be filled with new hope and optimism that our greatest challenges will be met, that better days are ahead … and that in these difficult times, we will persevere as we always have — not just for our own individual good, but for the good of all our countrymen, because we believe that for those to whom much is given, much is expected.  
Some look at Washington and wonder how lawmakers who always seem to disagree can ever solve any of our problems. And while it’s true that many of us approach the issues differently, at the beginning of a new year, it’s important to remember that we’re all united by our love of country, and by a common faith that no challenge is too great for the American people to overcome.  
Political disagreements will continue in the year ahead. This is an essential part of any vibrant democracy. But Americans expect and deserve their elected leaders to put country first, and work together to solve our common problems. We are not a Democracy.
Powerful forces may be aligned against us, just as they did against the Continental Army on that cold January night in 1777. But when the challenges are greatest, Americans always join ranks. It was true in Trenton. It’s no less true today. What "powerful forces" are aligned against us? A pathetic Nigerian/Yemeni terrorist?

The most powerful force aligned against the American people is the federal government.

The most powerful force aligned against the atheistic, fascist federal government is Providence.

Thank you, and Happy New Year.  


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From the Foundation for Economic Education

Independent Institute

What Would America's Founding Fathers Do?

The men who threw tea into the Boston Harbor over a tax of 3 pence per pound would not be happy with a tax ten times greater on every gallon of gas. Those who took up muskets over a total tax burden of less than 3% would not be happy with the fact that the federal government now takes more than half of everything you earn.

Today it is illegal for public school teachers to teach their students that the Declaration of Independence is really true (and not just an outdated historical document). The federal government is clearly at war with everything the Founding Fathers stood for.

America's greatest Americans would abolish today's federal government.

Muskets are Not an Option

There are two reasons why we should not take up arms to pull off the violent overthrow of the federal government, even if America's Founders would surely do so. First, the feds have nukes. Second, violent revolution is unChristian and unBiblical. We must beat our swords into plowshares and use persuasion to abolish tyranny. This is time for a revolution of ideas.

Revolution Won't Come in a Day

John Adams once wrote that the American Revolution began in 1761, when Massachusetts attorney James Otis began legal challenges to the Writs of Assistance. He lost the case, but "American independence," Adams wrote, "was then and there born." Now do the math. That means it took 15 years to convince the rest of America to declare Independence (1776). Then another seven years of war was required before a Peace Treaty was signed (1783), and then six years before the Constitution was finally ratified (1789). That's almost 30 years. (And Jefferson said we shouldn't go 20 years without another rebellion!) How can we hope to convince Americans to fight for principles they were never taught in government schools? We need to be in this battle for the long term. "Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty."

Every great athlete has a coach.
If you want to be a great American you need a coach.
If you want to achieve great things for your country, you need a coach.
Imagine what you could do if George Washington, "the Father of his Country,"
could travel through time and be your personal coach.
The results could be extraordinary.

Find out why you need a personal coach, and why is the foundation for an extraordinary life.

Obama Body Count   Full Informed Jury Association  

The Internet Can Speed up the Revolution

Here are ways you can help.

Support This Campaign

Send emails. Find out how this free tool can change everything.


Vote Against Every Politician Who Voted for the Bailout, No Matter What

No violence against politicians: even those who wear Red Coats.

Communicating with Government and Media

  • Contact Congress -- this is from the JBS website, powered by "CapWiz," from Capitol Advantage. Lots of organizations use capwiz. If you don't want to go through the JBS, search for capwiz on Google and find another organization that uses it.
    Notice that you can also contact media through this webpage.
  • Action E-List
    Sign up for the JBS Action E-List and be notified when you can make a critical difference on important issues.
Help End the Mexican Civil War
Black-market profits caused by drug prohibition fund a civil war in Mexico that's threatening to spill over our borders. Drug profits also fuel the terrorists who are killing U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. It's time to dry up the black-market profits. It's time to end drug prohibition.
Help End the Mexican Civil War's "Read the Bills Act" (RTBA)

Make Congress Read Their Bills Before Voting
Make Congress read every word of every bill they create before they vote on it.
Urge your Representative and your Senators to sponsor's “Read the Bills Act” (RTBA).
End the FED
The Federal Reserve System constantly inflates and deflates the supply of money and credit, causing booms and busts. It's time to get off this roller-coaster. It's time to end the Fed.
End the FED

No Bailouts!

No Bailouts!
No government money, whether borrowed or taxed, should ever be used to bailout private financial interests. If you agree, please send Congress a message telling them so.
TWIC - A Backdoor Real ID Card
Real ID is dying. But the Department of Homeland Security has a new plan to subject every American to a national ID card anyway. They plan to pick off one occupational field at a time, starting with the maritime industry. One man is fighting back. Meet him, and help stop this backdoor Real ID plan.
TWIC - A Backdoor Real ID Card
Stop the Killer Horse Hormones
The FDA "outlawed" the use of Estriol, an estrogen medication that's bio-identical to human estrogen. Doctors must now prescribe animal-derived estrogen instead. Are bio-identical hormones dangerous, while animal-derived hormones are safe? No. The practice of medicine is moving to chemically identical to human hormones and away from animal hormones. Learn why the FDA decided to endanger women's health in this way, and take action.
End Asset Forfeiture
If the government suspects you used your house or car in a crime, they can take it and sell it at auction. They don't even have to prove your guilt. They call this practice civil asset forfeiture, but it's really theft. It violates the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th and 14th Amendments. It also encourages law enforcement to put profits before justice. Tell Congress to end civil asset forfeiture.
End Asset Forfeiture

Iraqis Vote

Support an Iraq Referendum
Americans keep debating when, how, or if to leave Iraq. Maybe we should ask the Iraqi people what they want. After all, it's their country. Tell Congress to request that the Iraqi government hold a public referendum on the U.S. occupation. Learn more »

Make Congress read the laws it passes!

The 'No Legislation Without Representation' Conference

Make Congress read every word of every bill they create before they vote on it.
Urge your Representative and your Senators to sponsor's “Read the Bills Act” (RTBA).

Unelected bureaucrats create tens-of-thousands of new dictates each year. Making rules is the job of Congress, not bureaucrats. has drafted the “Write the Laws Act” to end bureaucratic “legislation without representation.” Click here . . .

Cap and Trade

"Cap and Trade" is not the way
The politicians seem to be unifying around "cap and trade" as a way to cut CO2 emissions. If they take this step it may be the largest increase in the size, scope, and intrusiveness of government since the creation of Medicare. Worse still, it may not even achieve its purpose. Please tell Congress to oppose "cap and trade." Learn more »

Support Ron Paul's “American Freedom Agenda Act”
The politicians have done great harm to this country in response to the 9-11 attack. A bill has been introduced that will undo much of that harm.
Learn More »

Strike at the Root

Iraq Waste

Iraq Waste
Big government prospers through failure. Each new failure is used to justify more spending and new powers. Wasteful spending in Iraq is the latest example. One way to change this is to hold government accountable. A new bill in Congress seeks to provide some of the needed accountability. Please support it. Learn more »

Stop The War FOR Terror

Stop the War for Terror
U.S. policy has inflamed the Middle East. It has made terrorism more likely rather than less. We seem to be fighting a war for terror, rather than on terror. This policy must stop. The place to start stopping is with Iran. We must not attack Iran. War with Iran would devastate our economy, disrupt world oil supplies, and recruit more terrorists. Click here to stop this war before it starts.

Click here for a replay of this edition of the Ozarks Virtual Town Hall