Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Liberty Under God
Not War

Congress should
  • reject the myth that war and warmaking creates prosperity
  • allow Americans to build and spend their money on peaceful pursuits by
  • beating swords into plowshares

“War prosperity is like the prosperity that an earthquake or a plague brings.”
Ludwig von Mises, Nation, State, and Economy, p. 154

The Myth of War Prosperity by Robert Higgs

The Myth of War Prosperity, by Rep. Ron Paul
The Myth of War Prosperity Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) March 6, 2003. There is a longstanding myth that war benefits the economy. The argument goes that when a ...  
War Prosperity: The Fallacy that Won't Die:
Feb 6, 2003 ... As Ludwig von Mises wrote in the aftermath of World War I, “war prosperity is like the prosperity that an earthquake or a plague brings.”  
The Myth of War Prosperity, Part 1
The Myth of War Prosperity, Part 1 by Anthony Gregory, Posted March 30, 2007. Part 1 | Part 2. Depression, War, and Cold War: Studies in Political Economy ... 
The Myth of War Prosperity, Part 2
Apr 2, 2007 ... The Iraq War has not brought about war prosperity as advertised, nor has it resulted in cheaper gas the way cynical leftist critics thought ...
Wartime Prosperity? A Reassessment of the U.S. Economy in the 1940's by R Higgs - Related articles
Mar 1, 1992 ...War prosperity is like the prosperity that an earthquake or a plague brings. ... During the war the government pulled the equivalent of 22 ...

“Regime Uncertainty: Why the Great Depression Lasted So Long and Prosperity Resumed after the War,” by Robert Higgs

“From Central Planning to the Market: The American Transition, 1945-1947,” by Robert Higgs

“Wartime Socialization of Investment: A Reassessment of U.S. Capital Formation in the 1940s,” by Robert Higgs

“Crisis and Quasi-Corporatist Policy-Making: The U.S. Case in Historical Perspective,” by Robert Higgs

“National Emergency and the Erosion of Private Property Rights,” by Robert Higgs and Charlotte Twight

“World War II and the Triumph of Keynesianism,” by Robert Higgs

“World War II and the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex,” by Robert Higgs

“How War Amplified Federal Power in the Twentieth Century,” by Robert Higgs

Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government, by Robert Higgs

next: Campaign Finance, Corruption and the Oath of Office