This webpage is taken from a website that apparently belongs to a cult that worships a goddess named "Veronica." Source and copyright information is found at bottom. We know next to nothing about this cult and cannot recommend it. The content of the webpage is largely taken from World Net Daily, which we regard as a fairly reliable source. It is provided for information purposes only. |
White farmers 'being wiped out' - Times Online
“More white farmers have been killed than British soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yes, we are at war here.”
According to WorldNetDaily correspondent Anthony LoBaido, "the Cold War is raging red-hot in Africa, where brave, Christian, black Africans are fighting long odds against a troika of foes." ("Cold War alive, battles in Africa," WorldNetDaily, May 15, 2000) And the major foes are the communists. While many have bought into the lie that communism is dead, the continent of Africa has been virtually assimilated by communism while the West has been sleeping. Jean-Francois Deniau, a former French cabinet minister, quoted a high Soviet official as having told him:
“We took Angola and you did not protest…. Then we took Mozambique. Forget it, you don’t even know where it is. Then we took Ethiopia, a key move. There again we noted that you could have replied via Somalia or Eritrea or both. No reply. We noted that and put it into our analyses. Then we took Aden and set up a powerful Soviet base there. Aden! On the Arabian Peninsula! In the heart of your supply center! No response. So we noted: we can take Aden.” (Jean-Francois Deniau, “La détente froide,” L’Express, 3 September 1982; taken from How Democracies Perish
Jean-Francois Revel, pp. 340-341)
South Africa
As early as 1917, the communists had already started to infiltrate worker unions, while in 1921 they established the first communist party in Africa. South Africa's ANC, which was established in 1912 to protect and promote the interests of blacks, became the target of constant communist infiltration. In fact, in 1936 a black communist was elected as ANC secretary-general.
ANC (African National Congress)
The communist orientation of the ANC is beyond dispute. There are many confirmations of this fact found in various publications, as well as statements by communists themselves:
"Indeed, there are close ties between the Soviet Union and the South African Communist Party, which, to a great extent, controls the ANC. Such influence began as early as 1917, the USSR now being very active in 10 Southern African nations: Namibia, Angola, Bothswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zambia, and South Africa. Soviet activity, of course, often assumes covert forms. The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), for instance, formed near the end of 1985, actually is a new front for the ANC...." (South Africa and the Marxist Movement: A Study in Double Standards, Panos Bardis, p. 101)
WorldNetDaily has likewise demonstrated that the ANC is a communist organization: "The misdeeds of the Soviet-sponsored African National Congress have been well chronicled. It operated under and parallel to the South African Communist Party, established in the early 1920s as the first Communist Party outside the Soviet Union." ("Atrocities of the Marxist ANC: 'Truth' commission reveals Mandela's bloody path to power," Anthony LoBaido, July 3, 2000)
On December 8, 1991, the South African revolutionary Chris Hani stated: "The ANC does not hide its close ties with Cuba which has assisted the ANC and now needs help itself... The ANC has got very strong links with Cuba."
In 1944, Nelson Mandela became a member of the ANC. In 1952, he was confined to the Magisterial District of Johannesburg, South Africa; in 1956 he was charged with high treason, tried, and acquitted. In 1961, when the ANC was outlawed, Mandela evaded arrest but was jailed in November 1962 for five years. Mandela and his fellow revolutionaries were caught red-handed with: 48,000 Soviet-made anti-personnel mines, 210,000 hand grenades, and documents showing proof of involvement of Moscow, Algeria, China, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany in financing and backing a communist revolution in South Africa. Mandela admitted his guilt, was convicted after a free and fair trial, and was sentenced to life imprisonment on
June 11, 1964. He was charged under the Suppression of Communism Act and was tried between October 1963 and June 1964. During this trial, a 62-page document in Mandela's own handwriting entitled How To Be a Good Communist was offered as evidence. This was the famous Rivonia Trial, named after Johannesburg’s fashionable suburb in the north, where in June and July 1963 the South African authorities found huge quantities of equipment designed for civil war.
At that time, Mandela was incarcerated not because he held unpopular political opinions (communist), but because he was convicted of 23 acts of sabotage and of conspiring to overthrow the government. The South African President P. Botha offered him freedom if he would renounce violence, but Mandela always refused the offer.
One of the most insightful descriptions of Mandela's political views is found in The Richmond News-Leader of May 2, 1986:
"The story goes that South Africa's jailed Nelson Mandela, and his wife Winnie are just your standard garden-variety moderates who want freedom for their country. But consider this. Moscow's communist party newspaper Pravda recently carried a story about Winnie Mandela, quoting her as saying: 'The Soviet Union is the torch-bearer for all our hopes and aspirations. We have learned and are continuing to learn resilience and bravery from the Soviet people, who are an example to us in our struggle for freedom, a model of loyalty to internationalist duty. In Soviet Russia, genuine power of the people has been transformed from dreams into reality. The land of the Soviets is the genuine friend and ally of all peoples fighting against the dark forces of world reaction.'
"This is not the swoony stuff of a dizzy moderate, but the disciplined ideologuese of a Soviet stooge."
Furthermore, Winnie Mandela's true colors and those of the ANC were revealed at Munsieville, on April 13, 1986, when she said: "With our boxes of matches and our necklaces ["necklacing:" a torture in which a gasoline-filled tire is placed around the neck of a victim and set ablaze], we shall liberate this country." (South African Digest, April 18, 1986, p. 324)
South Africa, meanwhile, given over by F.W. de Klerk and Pik Botha to the Marxist African National Congress, has turned into a cauldron of murder, rape, AIDS and anarchy.
Nelson Mandela has long had strong ties to the MPLA, as the Marxist Angolan regime has provided Mandela's African National Congress with a haven for its terrorist training bases.
In fact, upon his release from prison, Mandela gave a speech in Angola's capital of Luanda on May 10, 1990, in which he said: "The ANC brought young people into Angola to receive military training. This was indeed a major turning point in the history of South Africa. The progress we have made in our armed struggle is owed largely to Angola. Angola allowed us not only to receive arms from friendly countries abroad, but also allowed us to establish camp and gave us freedom to train our soldiers." ("A TRAGEDY IN ANGOLA: DeBeers, Clinton's executive order seeks to destroy anti-communist rebel movement," WorldNetDaily, January 30, 2000)

Nelson and Winnie Mandela, with Joe Slovo, Communist Party leader, raise clenched fists, an obvious symbol of peaceful non-violence and love of one's enemies. |
Mandela has committed numerous terrorist acts. Mandela ordered the infamous Church Street bombing, which went off at rush hour to maximize casualties of Afrikaner women, children and babies. He also told the black youth of South Africa at one point to "burn down" their schools. Mandela recently traveled to Libya and presented Qaddafi with South Africa's highest military medal.
His support of other communist dictatorships is blatant. In July 1991, Nelson and Winnie Mandela were in Cuba to celebrate the communist revolution with Fidel Castro. As Winnie referred to Cuba "as our second home," Nelson Mandela addressed the ceremony saying,
"Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro... Cuban internationalists have done so much for African independence, freedom, and justice. We admire the sacrifices of the Cuban people in maintaining their independence and sovereignty in the face of a vicious imperialist campaign designed to destroy the advances of the Cuban revolution. We too want to control our destiny... There can be no surrender. It is a case of freedom or death. The Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people."
According to one estimate, Russian and East-bloc funding of the ANC was around 30 million dollars in 1985. Also, "... the party in South Africa has a notorious reputation for abject servility to Moscow, having proclaimed its approval of Soviet interventions in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and most recently Afghanistan." (Toledo Blade, August 10, 1986, p. C3)
The U.S. Department of Defense recognizes the Russian inroads into South Africa: "In addition to working for South Africa's diplomatic isolation, the USSR seeks to exploit internal discord in that country [as] the Soviets hope to gain greater influence in the area." (US Department of Defense, Soviet Military Power, Washington: 1986, p. 133)
A fresh Pentagon intelligence report exposes China's covert cooperation with Libya in developing long-range missiles. The latest evidence was contained in a top-secret report sent June 9 by National Security Agency Director Lt. Gen. Michael Hayden to top administration officials. The NSA report reveals that the director of Libya's Al-Fatah missile program is planning to travel to China later this month or next, according to intelligence officials who have seen it.
The Libyan will go to the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Beijing, China's premier training center for missile scientists and technicians. That's where China is training Libyan missile specialists. (China-Libya hookup, June 30, 2000 by Bill Gertz & Rowan Scarborough)
From nearly halfway around the globe, Communist North Korea is arming renegade Libya with intercontinental ballistic missiles to be arrayed against—guess whom.
Defense Secretary William Cohen is convinced the United States is the intended target for any nuclear missiles from Tripoli. Or from Pyongyang, for that matter. Or from Tehran. (Libya Getting ICBMs From North Korea, Newsmax, July 12, 2000
At the time Moscow was declaring its standards for U.S. sincerity, Russia had just concluded talks with Libya on how to "develop bilateral ties in all areas."
Libya is on the U.S. State Department's list of "states of concern."
According to Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, Moscow is seeking to further increase ties with Libya "in trade and other economic spheres, as well as in the defense field." ("Russia demands cooperation from GOP," August 3, 2000, I.J. Toby Westerman)
WorldNetDaily has learned that the African nation of Sudan has acquired 34 new jet fighters from China, doubling the size of the country's air force and further escalating the Muslim government's war against Christians in southern Sudan.
Records show that the Sudan air force is now equipped with $100 million worth of brand new Shenyang jet fighters built in China. A recent U.N. report accused the Sudan government of using an airfield built with Chinese assistance to bomb "schools and hospitals" in its war against Christians....
Amnesty International reported that to build the oil pipeline for China, armed guards from the Chinese People's Liberation Army participated in displacing the indigenous Sudanese population. Amnesty reports that Chinese troops have assisted in ethnic cleansing and rape in the southern Sudan. The addition of jet fighters underscores that Beijing is firmly committed to providing the Sudanese radical Muslim government with advanced military support.
A recent report from the U.N. Commission on Human Rights charged the Sudan government with land mining villages, poisoning wells, bombing schools and hospitals and sponsoring terrorism in its 16-year civil war against Christians and other blacks. Human rights organizations also accuse Red China of actively supporting ethnic cleansing carried out by the Sudanese National Islamic Front government against Christian minorities in the impoverished African country. ("Sudan gets Chinese jets: former slave decries atrocities against Christians, blasts Clinton," WorldNetDaily, July 13, 2000)
Over 200 Protestant, Catholic and Jewish leaders have sent a letter to President Clinton calling for him to "take a visible, personal stance on the genocide now taking place in Sudan."
The government in Sudan is accused by religious and humanitarian groups of funding a slave trade which has cost two million lives and displaced some five million people since 1983, according to a Human Rights Watch report. ("Protest against Sudan slavery, genocide," WorldNetDaily, December 14, 1999)
Christian Solidarity International added that more than 100,000 people remain in bondage in northern Sudan in government concentration camps. ("Freedom purchased for slaves in Sudan," WorldNetDaily, December 23, 1999)
The 12-year-old conflict in Sudan has already claimed nearly 2 million lives, and a recent increase in fighting threatens again to disrupt United Nations relief efforts. On Sunday, the London Telegraph reported that 700,000 Chinese troops were in Sudan. That number was disputed by the State Department source. "Ridiculous," he said.
Sudanese resistance forces, however, are now collecting photographs of Chinese-made weapons to prove the increase in Beijing's support for Khartoum. One such photograph, a mortar bomb recently captured by resistance fighters (see photo), clearly shows the weapon to be manufactured in China and appears to be date stamped as being produced in 1993.
In July, WorldNetDaily reported that Sudan had acquired 34 new jet fighters from China. Reports published in Aviation Week & Space Technology show that the Sudan air force is now equipped with $100 million worth of Shenyang fighter planes, including a dozen supersonic F-7 jets.
The Chinese military support reportedly comes in exchange for oil. Sudan is the number one exporter of oil to China, and an ongoing oil pipeline sponsored by China is at the center of the war. Amnesty International reported that the Sudanese government is working directly with China to ensure the security of the oil pipeline operations....
The 12-year war has also been filled with detailed accounts of violent atrocities. According to a May 2000 Amnesty International report on Sudan, "government troops on the ground reportedly drove people out of their homes by committing gross human rights violations."
"Male villagers were killed in mass executions. Women and children were nailed to trees with iron spikes. There were reports from some villages, north and south of Bentiu, such as Guk and Rik, that soldiers slit the throats of children and killed male prisoners who had been interrogated by hammering nails into their foreheads. In Panyejier last July, people had been crushed by tanks and strafed by helicopter gunship," states the Amnesty International report. ("Sudan war heating up," WorldNetDaily, August 29, 2000)
Over 1.7 million black Christians in Sudan have been crucified, starved, murdered or sold into slavery by the Islamic jihad in that nation since 1992. ("Cold War alive,battles in Africa," WorldNetDaily, May 15, 2000)
WorldNetDaily has learned that Russian "mercenary" pilots are flying advanced fighter jets for Ethiopia in its conflict with Eritrea.
The report follows the confirmation that an Ethiopian Su-27 Flanker destroyed an Eritrea MiG-29 Fulcrum.
"There are a lot of Russian advisers who are active," responded Eritrea Embassy spokesperson Vicky Rentmeesters. "They are not just sitting at a desk. Our embassy in Moscow made a complaint with the Russian Ministry of Defense, including a list of Russians working for the Ethiopian military." ("Russian mercenaries flying for Ethiopia," Charles Smith, July 18, 2000, WorldNetDaily)
Eritrea and Ethiopia claimed Sunday tens of thousands of soldiers had died or been wounded in three days of fierce trench warfare marking the resumption of their two-year old war, considered Africa's bloodiest.
Eritrea claimed it had inflicted heavy losses Sunday, adding to its reported toll of 25,000 killed or wounded in their first two days of trench warfare, which started Friday. (Thousands Killed as Ethiopia Resumes Civil War, Newsmax, May 15, 2000)
UNITA is a Christian anti-Communist movement that has withstood the Russians, Cubans, North Koreans, Bulgarians, Zimbabweans, MPLA, United Nations and corporate-mercenary army Executive Outcomes invasions of their country. The leader of UNITA, Jonas Savimbi, is a professing Christian. He has many times gone on record condemning Marxism and communism, while also expressing his Christian faith. Jonas Savimbi has said that UNITA and liberated Angola is like a cork in the bottle, holding back the flood of communism in central and southern Africa. He also stated that if Russia ever over-ran liberated Angola and destroyed UNITA, that Zaire, Zambia, Namibia, and Botswana would all fall quickly under Russian domination.
American and European defense and chemical warfare specialists in 1989 sent a report to Senator Dennis De Concini, documenting how the Cubans have been using a variety of chemical warfare agents (including nerve gas) against UNITA. The chemical weapons (dispersed from Russian aircraft) were identified as nerve agents that caused death or paralysis, and other internal injuries.
Throughout the Cold War, the Russians provided training and advisors to the ANC. Russia sent troops and billions of dollars in arms to fight a war in Angola against the Afrikaners. This was a part of the Brezhnev Doctrine to "seize the strategic mineral treasure chest of Southern Africa and deny these materials to the Western military industrial complex." These minerals include titanium, used to build fighter jets, and zirconium oxide, a rare commodity used to sheathe nuclear reactor fuel. ("Atrocities of the Marxist ANC," July 3, 2000, WorldNetDaily)
Nikki counted the money and then hid it in her bosom, as she had with the diamonds. It was a small, seemingly unimportant event in the grand scale of the global economy. Yet upon closer analysis it was a vital move—one of countless such moves—in a dangerous endgame pitting the anti-communist, Christian rebel army UNITA against the Marxist MPLA, United Nations and Western transnational corporations that, together, have sought unsuccessfully to destroy UNITA since 1965.
"They say that diamonds are forever," said Nikki in an interview with WorldNetDaily.
"So is the war between good and evil. These diamonds and the money they are exchanged for have a wonderful purpose. They will provide the funds to sustain our struggle against the forces of communism and world government which seek to destroy our Christian way of life."
Nikki paused, calling her daughter to come and sit on her lap.
"UNITA must not fall," Nikki continued. "You see, that is what the United Nations and the so-called New World Order wants. It is what the amoral West wants. It is what Nelson Mandela and the communist ANC wants. It is what Bill Clinton wants. But they're not going to get what they want."
"What they want is for UNITA to surrender. To give up our faith as Christians. To hand over our mineral wealth to the foreign corporations. To be slaves in the global corporate society. But we will never surrender. Ever."...
This amazing story, stranger than fiction, involves slices of history, geography, geopolitics, corporate greed, mercenaries, betrayal and hope. It is a story that must be told, for the sake of the 100,000 people killed in Angola in the 1990s, and for those who continue, against all odds, to struggle for freedom in that nation today....
The Soviet Union was quick to raise up the Marxist Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, or MPLA, providing billions in aid, weapons and Cuban, North Korean and East bloc mercenaries to fight against UNITA.
Bolstered in part by the CIA and the white-led Afrikaner regime of South Africa, UNITA, with some Afrikaner help, had succeeded in driving the Russians and Cubans out of Angola by 1990. ("A TRAGEDY IN ANGOLA: DeBeers, Clinton's executive order seeks to destroy anti-communist rebel movement," WorldNetDaily, January 30, 2000)
In Angola, "These invaders include the Soviet Union, North Korea, the East Bloc, 50,000 Cuba mercenaries, the U.N. Army, Executive Outcomes (called Apartheid attack dogs by dissidents in Sierra Leone, a former EO stomping ground), the betrayal of the Afrikaner government as well as attacks by communist neighbors Namibia and Zimbabwe." ("Cold War alive, battles in Africa," WorldNetDaily, May 15, 2000)
It is interesting to note that Portugal is the former colonial ruler of Angola, that Russia has waged a massive war against UNITA—sending billions of dollars in arms and manpower to the MPLA—while the U.S. behind President Clinton's anti-UNITA executive order can hardly be called impartial observers. (U.S. support for Angola terror , March 25, 2000 by Anthony LoBaido)
“In 1975, the United States government could not nothing to stop the colonization of Angola by the Soviet’s Cuba mercenaries because Congress, traumatized by the Vietnam disaster, simply refused to consider the use of American military forces abroad, no matter where, or even to take a public stand on the situation.” (How Democracies Perish, Jean-Francois Revel, p. 114)
"The worst conditions were at the Quatro camp in Angola, where guards and medical assistants were universally hostile. The inmates, whether convicted of any offense or not, were denigrated, humiliated and abused, often with staggering brutality. Prisoners were forced to crawl through piles of red ants, thrown down into trenches and then made to crawl out while guards poured dirt into the hole. Others were denied food, water and medical treatment. One prisoner had boiling water poured on his head. His head was then regularly struck against a tree to prevent healing. Prisoners were beaten to force confessions. Some prisoners were executed by firing squads for taking part in mutinies, beaten to death for infractions of military discipline or died of malaria and other illnesses in detention. From the late 1970s until 1991, suspected spies
were imprisoned for up to eight years without any hearing, tortured to extract confessions, and beaten with sticks and wires." ("Atrocities of the Marxist ANC: 'Truth' commission reveals Mandela's bloody path to power," Anthony LoBaido, July 3, 2000)
Another key player is Zambia, the nation to the east of Angola. Long a Marxist state, Zambia became a Christian anti-communist country in 1991 under the rule of Fredrick Chiluba. Chiluba had been imprisoned in Zimbabwe for several years when he met fellow prisoner Peter Hammond.
Reminiscent of the biblical epic of Joseph, who was unjustly imprisoned, Hammond, a missionary from South Africa who works with UNITA and the South Sudanese Christians, witnessed the Christian gospel to Chiluba in prison. Soon after, both were released from prison and Chiluba eventually became the ruler of Zambia. Interestingly, Chiluba was the only African ruler not invited to Nelson Mandela's 1994 inauguration. ("A TRAGEDY IN ANGOLA: DeBeers, Clinton's executive order seeks to destroy anti-communist rebel movement," WorldNetDaily, January 30, 2000)
Zimbabwe, formerly a white-run, Christian anti-communist nation, is now fully in the throes of a Marxist dictatorship under Robert Mugabe.
Since the Marxist thug, Robert Mugabe, took power, whites throughout Zimbabwe have been subjected to beatings, rape and murder. After the white women are raped and the white men are killed, Mugabe's gangsters seize their property. There is no legal recourse available to the victims as the government is sponsoring this terrorism. Add Zimbabwe to the growing list of African atrocities being ignored by both the media and the government in the United States. (African Violence Unnoticed in the West, May 15, 2000 by Dr. Chuck Baldwin)
The current Zimbabwean crisis has accelerated in recent days as black communist cadres—about 35,000 ex-guerillas of Mugabe's Bush War revolution—have began to occupy white owned farmland. About 4,500 whites own and operate farms in Zimbabwe. The cadres have been promised a $50,000 payoff and a monthly tax-free pension of 2,000 in Zimbabwean dollars by Mugabe. But there is no money in the government's budget to make good on the promise. As such, the guerillas have now turned on the white man—more
specifically, the white farmer.
These Marxist revolutionary parasites who have no farming experience or ambition, have now begun to murder and beat up the white farmers who feed the nation. Without these white farmers, who account for a large portion of Zimbabwe's GNP, and 40 percent of its foreign earnings, the nation will face famine and total collapse. Millions of dollars in crop damage have already resulted from the farm land occupation.
Make no mistake. Zimbabwe is caught in an economic free fall. The Zimbabwean dollar fell 80 percent in value last year. Unemployment grew to 50 percent, and inflation to over 40 percent. Over 700 black Zimbabweans die of AIDS every week. In the past five years the life expectancy in the nation for blacks has dropped from 61 years to under 40. There are almost one million AIDS orphans in the country.
And all of this, the liberals in the West will tell us, proves that Africa is far better off being run by Marxist blacks than by Christian Europeans. Before the days of Mugabe, Salisbury, Rhodesia's capitol, was called "the most beautiful small city in all of Africa." Today it is called "Harare" and features a plethora of ills from a cholera epidemic to untreated sewage, mountains of uncollected garbage and contaminated water....
"Black people and white people are being crushed back into ... the dark ages,'' Bruce Gemmill, whose son was among the abducted and beaten farmers, said on his farm 60 miles north of Harare....
Ironically, when Mugabe took power in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe in 1979—1980, one of his first orders of business was to bring in North Korean Special Forces to help kill off 30,000 black Matabele tribesmen who opposed his rule. Mugabe hails form the Mashona tribe, and they are enemies of the Matabele. Even today, North Korean soldiers are digging in Marxist Congo alongside Mugabe's troops at the world's biggest uranium mine -- digging for the stuff which fuels the power of the sun. Digging for the Atomic bomb that North Korea may well one day drop on Seoul, Okinawa, Alaska, Hawaii or even Los Angeles. (Final curtain for
Zimbabwe?, April 19, 2000 by Anthony C. LoBaido)
HARARE, Zimbabwe -- While a tiny remnant of whites and a larger number of black farmers in Zimbabwe are being assaulted, sometimes murdered, in broad daylight by government-sanctioned, angry mobs, a frightening scene of state-sponsored terrorism is unfolding across this troubled nation.
In the first two months of the crisis, which began after the February elections, the independent human rights NGO, Amani Trust, documented over 5,078 incidents of political violence perpetrated by agents or supporters of the ruling ZANU-PF party. This included 1,012 assaults with blunt or sharp weapons, gunshot wounds, arson or attempted strangling. At that point, there had been 19 confirmed murders of farmers, their workers or opposition party supporters. Additionally, some 417 houses and properties had been destroyed....
The invasion of over 1,200 farms by self-styled veterans of the Rhodesian war was clearly orchestrated and supported by President Robert Mugabe, ZANU-PF, the national army and the police. Less than 15 percent of the land invaders could have been "veterans" of the war, however, which ended in 1980; most are too young to have been involved in a war that ended before most of them began their schooling.
The occupation of the farms has also been anything but "spontaneous." The organizer of the so-called "War Veterans," a man named Dr. Chenjerai "Hitler" Hunzvi, has been flown around the country by an air force helicopter as he co-ordinated the invasions. Many of the landless peasants occupying the farms have been seen carrying cell phones and are reported to be in regular contact with the local ZANU-PF party headquarters.
The Zimbabwe Independent reported that the armed forces had recently received a shipment of 21,000 AK 47 assault rifles, likely to be distributed amongst the squatters, running the farmers off their land. The paper also reported that Gen. Shiri (the man who commanded the notorious North Korean-trained 5th Brigade, which massacred tens of thousands of civilians in Matabeleland in the 1980s) had deployed over 1,000 soldiers in civilian clothes to lead the farm invasions. On occasions, uniformed officers had also been seen organising the squatters. Military and government vehicles have been seen transporting land invaders.
Zimbabweans are describing the campaign as "political re-education by means of skull bashing," "the Red Guard treatment" and "state-sponsored anarchy." ("African powderkeg: Zimbabwe in ruins," WorldNetDaily, June 2, 2000)
Former Rhodesian leader Ian Smith returned to Zimbabwe from Britain on Tuesday, dismissing threats he would be arrested and calling on President Robert Mugabe to resign.
"He must heed calls from his own people because he has destroyed this country. We cannot afford him anymore," the 81-year-old Smith told reporters at Harare's international airport. (Ian Smith returns to Zimbabwe, urges Mugabe's resignation, CNN, November 7, 2000)
Angola's southern neighbor, Namibia, formerly known as Southwest Africa, was granted independence by South Africa and became a communist nation. ("A TRAGEDY IN ANGOLA: DeBeers, Clinton's executive order seeks to destroy anti-communist rebel movement," WorldNetDaily, January 30, 2000)
Until 1989, Namibia was known as "Southwest Africa," an anti-communist country controlled by South Africa. UNITA rebels received supplies, aid and thousands of South African Afrikaner troops to help her fight off the Soviet-bloc invasion of Angola during the 1970s and '80s.
But the 1994 ousting of the Afrikaner leaders in South Africa, pushed intensely by both the United States government and the United Nations, installed into power the Marxist African National Congress, led by Nelson Mandela. The first president of the communist "New South Africa," Mandela made it one of his priorities to destroy UNITA—with the aid of Executive Outcomes. (A tragedy in Angola , January 17, 2000, by Anthony C. LoBaido)
“Since 1975, Moscow has also been laboring with antlike patience to set up another pro-Communist regime south of Angola, in Namibia, where it is supporting, arming, and financing its spearhead organization, the South West African People’s Organization (SWAPO), an offshoot of the Polisario movement Moscow supports in the North, at the other end of the continent.” (How Democracies Perish, Jean-Francois Revel, pp. 116-117)
“Clemens Kapuuo, President of the South-West African Democratic Alliance (Namibia) was assassinated in 1978 by an agent of SWAPO, an organization which does not hide its financial and military links with the Soviet Union and with Jose dos Santos, the [then] Communist dictator of neighboring Angola.” (How Democracies Perish, Jean-Francois Revel, p. 209)
It is widely believed that Communism died with the fall of the Soviet Union. But the world's most populous country—The People's Republic of China—is yet ruled by Communists. North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Cuba, Angola, Zimbabwe, Congo, and Namibia also have Communist governments. (The Communists continue to fight, June 21, 1999 by J.R. Nyquist)
The unpopular and bloody war in the Congo, where Mugabe has committed 11,000 soldiers from the Zimbabwe national army to prop up fellow Marxist dictator, Laurent Kaliba, is costing Zimbabwe $1 million in U.S. dollars every day. ("African powderkeg: Zimbabwe in ruins," WorldNetDaily, June 2, 2000)
It is estimated that between 1975 and 1987, Mozambique murdered 200,000 of its own citizens. According to Business Day, "... there are currently 850 Soviet military advisers in Mozambique... arms shipments to Mozambique are continuing... [This] brings the value of Soviet military assistance to Mozambique since independence to $1 billion." (Business Day, March 26, 1986)
Revel's informative book How Democracies Perish reveals communist inroads in Zaire which prompted “… the 1979 French landing in Zaire to repel a Katangan attack organized by Cubans based in Angola." (How Democracies Perish, Jean-Francois Revel)
The communist tactic is to surround and eventually assimilate bordering nations: “... in 1982, with socialist power stabilized in Ethiopia, the Soviet Union renewed its assault on Somalia. Under the direction of Moscow and of Cuban ‘advisers,’ Ethiopian soldiers disguised as Somali rebels were sent in against Sijad Barra’s anti-Soviet government in Mogasdishu. To Moscow, no loss is ever final.” (How Democracies Perish, Jean-Francois Revel, p. 117)
In April of 1994, the government of Rwanda called on everyone in the Tutsi majority to a massive countrywide genocide. Of an original population of 7 ½ million, at least 800,000 were killed in just 100 days. It was the most efficient mass killing since Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The following description, taken from Human Rights Watch, represents one of the more sorrowful descriptions of "man's inhumanity to man" that we have ever seen:
“When I came out, there were no birds,” said one survivor who had hidden throughout the genocide. “There was sunshine and the stench of death.”
The sweetly sickening odor of decomposing bodies hung over many parts of Rwanda in July 1994: on Nyanza ridge, overlooking the capital, Kigali, where skulls and bones, torn clothing, and scraps of paper were scattered among the bushes; at Nyamata, where bodies lay twisted and heaped on benches and the floor of a church; at Nyarubuye in eastern Rwanda, where the cadaver of a little girl, otherwise intact, had been flattened by passing vehicles to the thinness of cardboard in front of the church steps; on the shores of idyllic Lake Kivu in western Rwanda, where pieces of human bodies had been thrown down the steep hillside; and at Nyakizu in southern Rwanda, where the sun bleached fragments of bone in the sand of the schoolyard and, on a nearby hill, a small red sweater held together the ribcage of a decapitated child.
In the thirteen weeks after April 6, 1994, at least half a million people perished in the Rwandan genocide, perhaps as many as three quarters of the Tutsi population. At the same time, thousands of Hutu were slain because they opposed the killing campaign and the forces directing it...
Policymakers in France, Belgium, and the United States and at the United Nations all knew of the preparations for massive slaughter and failed to take the steps needed to prevent it. Aware from the start that Tutsi were being targeted for elimination, the leading foreign actors refused to acknowledge the genocide. To have stopped the leaders and the zealots would have required military force; in the early stages, a relatively small force. Not only did international leaders reject this course, but they also declined for weeks to use their political and moral authority to challenge the legitimacy of the genocidal government. They refused to declare that a government guilty of exterminating its citizens would never receive international assistance. They did nothing to silence the radio that broadcast calls for slaughter. Such simple
measures would have sapped the strength of the authorities bent on mass murder and encouraged Rwandan opposition to the extermination campaign.
Linking the communist connection to this appalling Rwanda genocide is J.R. Nyquist, columnist for WorldNetDaily:
Rwanda's support for the anti-Communist side has to do with Rwanda's 1994 genocide. Kabila [the communist dictator of Congo] is currently sheltering former Rwandan army and tribal militia units responsible for slaughtering 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus. Rwandan authorities want these forces broken up and their leaders arrested. (The Communists continue to fight, June 21, 1999 by J.R. Nyquist)

Russia's master plan
Planned U.S. invasion through Mexico
Missile invasion
First strike
Masters of deceit
Communism dead???
Veronica's "landing points" vision: Is this the communist strategy for invading the United States?
Global communism, part 1
Russian spying in the United States has reached the high-water mark of the Cold War
External Links...
Marxists destroy new South Africa, WorldNetDaily, July 7, 2004
"State-sanctioned violence moves to the city Zimbabwe's capital new site of Mugabe's anti-white harassment," Anthony Lo Baido, May 8, 2001
"Congo war blamed for 2 1/2 million deaths," San Francisco Chronicle, May 5, 2001)
Atrocities of the Marxist ANC, July 3, 2000 by Anthony Lo Baido
Cold War alive, battles in Africa, WorlNetDaily, May 15, 2000
African Violence Unnoticed in the West, May 15, 2000 by Dr. Chuck Baldwin
A tragedy in Angola January 17, 2000 by Anthony C. LoBaido
"Russian Arms Sales Booming," Colonel Lunev, September 29, 2000
The Perestroika Deception
Ex-spy Fears Sneak Russian Attack (, January 25, 2000)
Russia and China: An Anti-American Alliance (, July 19, 2000)
Russia Arming Chinese Navy Against U.S. (, July 12, 2000
Surprise Nuclear Attack, Part 1, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)
Surprise Nuclear Attack, Part 2, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)
Russia's Economic Moves and What They Portend, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)
A Genuine Threat of War? J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)
Russian Threats: Then and Now - Introduction (WorldNetDaily)
Can Moscow Be Trusted: Russia's Hidden Nuclear Missiles - Part I (WorldNetDaily)
Can Moscow Be Trusted: Inside Russia's Magic Mountain - Part II (WorldNetDaily)
High Anxiety, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)
Putin Warns Russia Will Strike First (, January 17, 2000)
Russia and China Prepare for War -- Part 1 (Christopher Ruddy)
Russia and China Prepare for War -- Part 2: Clinton's Sell-Out of America: (Christopher Ruddy)
Russia and China Prepare for War -- Part 3: Russia and China -- Our Friends? (Christopher Ruddy)
Russia and China Prepare for War -- Part 4: Russia May Launch a Surprise Attack Against US (Christopher Ruddy)
Russia and China Prepare for War -- Part 5: Russia’s Recent Military Build-up (Christopher Ruddy)
Russia and China Prepare for War -- Part 6: Eleven Signs of a Russian Surprise Attack (Christopher Ruddy)
Russia and China Prepare for War -- Part 7: United States is Unprepared for War (Christopher Ruddy)
Russia and China Prepare for War -- Part 8: Why are Most Americans Oblivious to These Terrifying Facts? (Christopher Ruddy)
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