Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2012
Who is a TRUE American?

Congress should
  • Abide by the American Creed
  • Restore the Pillars of America

"What Is America?" | G.K. Chesterton, who has an intelligent appreciation of "anarchists."
Says America is a Creed.
What Is America? | Harry Browne, ditto.
Describes the "Three Pillars" of America.

On May 2, 1778, when the Continental Army had emerged from its infamous winter at Valley Forge, Commander-in-Chief George Washington issued the following:

The commander-in-chief directs that divine service be performed every Sunday at eleven o'clock in those brigades [in] which there are chaplains; those which have none [are] to attend the places of worship nearest to them. It is expected that officers of all ranks will by their attendance set an example to their men. While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian. The signal instances of providential goodness which we have experienced, and which have now almost crowned our labors with complete success, demand from us in a peculiar manner the warmest returns of gratitude and piety to the Supreme Author of all good.—
The Writings of George Washington, JC Fitzpatrick, ed., Wash. DC: US Gov't Printing Office, 1932, Vol. XI:342-343, General Orders of 5/2/1778

Whoever is an avowed enemy of God,
I scruple not to call him an enemy to his country.
John Witherspoon, Signer of the Declaration of Independence
Works, vol. III, p.42, from "The Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men," delivered at Princeton on May 17, 1776.

The Foundation of America is the Christian religion. The U.S. Supreme Court declared that America is a Christian nation. The best American is the one whose actions are most consistent with this foundation.

A person who champions atheistic communism can still be a relatively good American if he is completely inconsistent to his espoused philosophy and lives and acts more like a Christian. A person who claims to be a Christian can be a very bad American if he acts like an atheist or a socialist, contrary to "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God."

An American who takes an oath to support the Constitution and then votes for socialism and fascism is a bad American.

next: Campaign Finance, Corruption and the Oath of Office