“This is Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell. Earlier this week, President Obama came to Capitol Hill to speak with members of my party about his plan for an economic recovery bill. The President said that a stimulus package is needed to revive the nation's troubled economy, and to help the millions of Americans who've been affected by it. And Republicans in Congress agree.”
Ozarks Virtual Town Hall - The Old Socialism Begins Anew - January 24, 2009“This is Michael Steele, Chairman of the Republican National Committee. All of us –- Republicans and Democrats -– agree the government must act to kick-start the American economy.”
Ozarks Virtual Town Hall - Moving Forward? - February 7th, 2009The traditional "left"-"right" spectrum of political analysis is utterly defective. At the far left is communism, a form of totalitarian socialism. At the far right is fascism, a form of totalitarian socialism. What is the "middle of the road?" A form of the absence of all government? No, it's usually implied that Keynesian socialism or Fabian socialism is "middle of the road." But this is exactly what our Founding Fathers broke away from now-socialist Britain to avoid.
The partisan squabbles between "conservatives" and "liberals," Republicrats and Demoblicans, is part of what G. Edward Griffin has called "The Quigley Formula," named after President Clinton’s mentor when Clinton was a student at Georgetown University. Griffin explains:
In his book, Tragedy and Hope, Professor Quigley explained the value of allowing people to believe that, by choosing between the Democrat and Republican parties, they are determining their own political destiny. To a collectivist like Quigley, this is a necessary illusion to prevent voters from meddling into the important affairs of state. If you have ever wondered why the two American parties appear so different at election time but not so different afterward, listen carefully to Quigley’s approving overview of American politics:
The National parties and their presidential candidates, with the Eastern Establishment assiduously fostering the process behind the scenes, moved closer together and nearly met in the center with almost identical candidates and platforms, although the process was concealed as much as possible, by the revival of obsolescent or meaningless war cries and slogans (often going back to the Civil War). … The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy. … Either party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.
[Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (New York: Macmillan, 1966), pp. 1247-1248.]
See also, "The Establishment"
- Recent Blog Posts
- "Conservatives" and War
- No conservative should actively vote for a Democrat. But many conservatives fear that if they vote for a true conservative Libertarian, a Democrat might be elected as a result.
This unintended result would in fact be very, very good. This is actually an important reason why conservatives should vote for a Libertarian.
If a powerful Republican incumbent were to lose his office because conservatives voted for a Libertarian, it would be well-publicized that the Libertarian caused the defeat of the Republican, not that the Democrat actually won popular support. (Sure, the Democrats would try their best to spin the results, but the election results math is inflexible.)
A Congressman is only elected for a two-year term. Then he faces the voters once again. Conservatives need to think well beyond the next two years. The defeat of a powerful Republican sets in motion political trends which will last for more than two years.
If you and your neighbors vote for a true conservative Libertarian, the election of a Democrat and the defeat of a Republican who is not a true conservative will be the most important and promising political event of this upcoming election.- Republicans and Polls
- Why Congressional Elections Matter
- Libertarian Democracy
- Liberalism is Aristocracy
- Republicans Legalize Homosexual "Marriage"
- Christmas on the Potomac
- Republican Rallying Cry
If you continue to fall for the illusion that the "New World Order" of the Republicans differs from the New World Order of the Democrats, and that voting for one party or the other will significantly change your life, then your children will live in ignorance under the New World Order, a very different world than America's Founding Fathers envisioned.
- More and more Americans don't feel represented by either major political party.
- Peggy Noonan - America may be ready for a new political party
- Both the Democrat and the Republican Parties now advocate what the Socialist Party advocated during the early years of the 20th century:
- • Toward a Socialist America
- • Irritating, Lousy, Liberal Republicans
- • Antony Sutton on "Left" versus "Right" and the Hegelian dialectic in American politics
Toward An American Classical Liberalism
A Return to the Peace Party | The American Conservative
A Vote for Kevin Craig is a vote for another Congressman like Ron Paul.
In his legislative fantasies, the amiable Texas congressman would do away with the CIA and the Federal Reserve. He'd reinstate the gold standard. He'd get rid of the Department of Education and leave the business of schooling to local governments, because he believes that's what the Constitution intended.
There have been periods in history when the maverick congressman was not such a rare breed, but this is not one of those periods. Democrats and Republicans have been quite disciplined in recent years -- when party leaders say "jump," the savvy congressman had better inquire how high.
Libby Copeland, "Congressman Paul's Legislative Strategy? He'd Rather Say Not," Washington Post, July 9, 2006; D01Dr. Paul, however, insists on treating his oath to uphold the Constitution as, well, a solemn promise before God to his constituents. Which is why he is a living rebuke to the hypocritical collectivists who infest the Republican Party, and utterly mystifying to the retread socialists who publish the Post.
William Grigg, "The Only Reason to Vote Republican," Pro Libertate, October 15, 2006
Rioters are not "anarchists";
"anarchy" is usually poly-archy, or multi-archy --
lots of wanna-be archists imposing their desires
by force or threats of violence.
Americans can defend themselves in a Free Market.
Harry Browne on the Non-Differences Between the Two Major Parties:
- A close election might conceivably be decided by one vote in the Electoral College, or in the Congress. But it will not be decided – no presidential election has ever been decided, nationally or even in a single "battleground" state – by a single popular vote.
Therefore, statistically, your individual vote already "doesn’t count." If you died on your way to the polls, it could not possibly affect who gets elected president. Get over it. And if you don’t live in Ohio or Florida or Nevada or one of the other dozen or so "battleground" states, your whole state has already been "assigned" to the red or blue column, your entire state doesn’t count – you could convince a thousand friends to write in Ron Paul or Mahatma Gandhi; no one would even notice.
Yet people keep telling me that unless they vote for Bush or Kerry for Tweedle-Dumb or Tweedle-Brie – their "vote won’t count"?
Pretend with me that you’re an old German on your deathbed today. Would you rather tell your grandchildren, "I voted for the Nazis because they seemed better than the Communists and no other party could win"? Wouldn’t you rather be able to rise up and say,- "I publicly denounced the Nazis and the Communists. We were a minority – 1 or 2 percent – but we stood up for the truth and we were right! We proved not all Germans were mindless torchbearers for tyranny! We were ridiculed, we were beaten and jailed, but we saved this nation’s soul. Now children, go and live your lives in a way to make me proud"?
- Wouldn’t you?
Because I don’t get it: Let’s say you flip a coin and manage to vote for "the winner," on Nov. 2.
What do you win?Vin Suprynowicz, "Morlocks vs. Libertarians," October 14, 2004
next: Religion/Traditional Values: Foundation of a Free, Civil Society
Bush, Obama, or Romney?
Chuck Baldwin chose the links below. They show that conservatives must not trust President XXX. Is XXX Bush, Obama, or Romney? Does it matter?
- XXX's Actions Advance Homosexual Agenda by Ken Connor
- President XXX Worships in Muslims Mosques and Buddist Temples, Dr. Robert Morey’s Intelligence Briefing
- American RTL Analysis Of The XXX Abortion Legacy, American Right To Life
- Conservatives Simmer As Spending Mushrooms Under XXX, USA Today
- New Evidence Links XXX To Los Angeles Drug Operation by Edward Spannaus
- Report: XXX Surveillance Program Was Massive, The Denver Post, July 10, 2009
- XXX The Fanatic by Joseph Farah
- XXX’s America: Roach Motel by Ann Coulter
- For Conservatives, Time To Break With Disastrous XXX Presidency by Pat Buchanan
- XXX’s New World Order Legacy by Cliff Kincaid
- Too Bad by Peggy Noonan
- XXX Makes Power Grab by Jerome Corsi
- XXX To Pressure Senate To Revive U.N. Sea Treaty, World Net Daily
- XXX OKs ‘Integration’ With European Union, World Net Daily
- Evangelicals Outraged Over XXX’s ‘Same God’ Remark, World Net Daily
- U.S. To Allow Wiccan Symbols On Military Graves, The Washington Times
- University Convocation Told Of Allah, Not Jesus, World Net Daily
- Who’s The Boss?, Fort Worth Star-Telegram
- XXX Paves The Way For Martial Law: 2007 National Defense Authorization Act Overturns Posse Comitatus Act, The Intelligence Daily
- Agents: XXX Obstructed Justice In Firings by Tom Flocco
- Are We Experiencing The Last Days Of Constitutional Rule? by Paul Craig Roberts
- Drunken XXX Hurls Vile Insult At Wife by Wayne Madsen
- The Future Has Caught Up With Us by Paul Craig Roberts
- Libbygate: Now Let’s Get To The Real Story by Dave Lindorff
- Juror Explains Libby Verdict: They Felt He Was ‘Fall Guy’, Editor & Publisher
- American Truck Drivers Screwed By XXX by Frosty Wooldridge
- Congressman: XXX ‘Doesn’t Give A Damn’, World Net Daily
- XXX Moves Toward Martial Law by Frank Morales
- W Pushes Envelope On U.S. Spying, New York Daily News
- Back To The Future: Echoes Of 1935 by Dave Hodges
- ‘XXX Doesn’t Think America Should Be An Actual Place’, World Net Daily
- XXX’s Sellout Of America by George Putnam
- XXX’s Family Profits From ‘No Child’ Act, Los Angeles Times
- XXX, The Pseudo-Conservative by Curt Maynard
- XXX Signs Anti-Terror Law,
- Keith Olbermann’s Commentary On The Military Commissions Act, MSNBC
- A Loss Of Faith, CBS News
- Legalization For Aliens A ‘Must’, XXX Announces, World Net Daily
- Evangelical: Rove’s Office Called Evangelicals ‘The Nuts’,
- XXX Asserts Right To Edit Homeland Security Privacy Reports, Boston Herald
- Laura XXX Aiding Clinton Conference,
- XXX Approves Pension Tax Law With Benefits For Same-Sex Couples, Feminist Majority Foundation
- XXX Indicates Support For Plan B, United Press International
- Saudis Get Scholarships To Study Aviation In U.S., World Net Daily
- U.S. Plans $4.6 Billion In Mideast Arms Sales, Reuters
- Lawyers Decry XXX’s Legal Interpretations,
- Buckley: XXX Not A True Conservative, CBS News
- Foreign Ownership Of U.S. Airlines? by Jerome Corsi
- XXX’s Signing Statements Are A Real Danger by Bob Barr
- XXX & Blair Raw & Uncut,
- Court Must Stop XXX’s Eavesdropping, The Courier News Online
- The Presidency: Abuse Of Power, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
- “Proudly So” by Timothy Baldwin, Esq.
- XXX Family History Shows A Dark Past Unseen by Most,
- G. W. XXX’s Liberal Legacy by Matthew A. Roberts
- XXX Approves Sale Of US Military Parts Suppliers To UAE Government by Chip Yost
- Why Is XXX So Stubborn? by Phyllis Schlafly
- Enron-XXX-Harvard-WTC-Oil-Connection by Bethany McLean
- The Order Of Skull And Bones by Kris Millegan
- The Real Assault On America by Paul Craig Roberts
- Watching The Constitution Fade Away by Paul Craig Roberts
- XXX Sang Star Spangled Banner En Espanol During 2000 Campaign,
- XXX Challenges Hundreds Of Laws by Charlie Savage
- Brothers and Sisters – Awake!,
- Gay Parents Quietly Crash White House Easter Party, Yahoo News
- The Real XXX Record,
- Christians, Muslims Worship Same God, XXX Tells Reporters,
- The XXX Malaise by Pat Buchanan
- XXX Is No Conservative by Paul Craig Roberts
- XXX Family Financed Hitler, Auschwitz, Daily Kos
- U.S. Hiring Hong Kong Co. To Scan Nukes,
- Hey, Big Spender by Peggy Noonan
- Porn Starlet Mary Carey To Dine With XXX Again, World Net Daily
- Letter To President XXX by Joseph W. DuRocher
- XXX, Vicente Fox Advisor Rob Allyn Tied To Gay And Lesbian Activist Group by Jim Kouri
- This Is A Conservative Christian President? by Jim Rudd
- XXX Disagrees With South Dakota Abortion Ban, Yahoo News
- XXX’s Mysterious ‘New Programs’ by Nat Parry
- W. Aides’ Biz Ties To Arab Firm, New York Daily News
- The Ever-Growing Federal Budget by Rep. Ron Paul
- State Of The Union Response by Steve Bonta
- The Nation’s Dual Political Dynasties Are Growing Closer Than Arm’s Length by Elisabeth Bumiller
- XXX Stretches To Defend Surveillance, Los Angeles Times
- Can The President Order A Killing On U.S. Soil?, Newsweek
- On NSA Spying: A Letter To Congress by 15 Consitutional Law Scholars
- A Founding Father On Presidential Powers by Nat Hentoff
- XXX Has Crossed The Rubicon by Paul Craig Roberts
- How XXX’s Sick Joke Became Public Policy by William Norman Grigg
- Presidential Snooping Damages The Nation by Bob Barr
- A Gestapo Administration by Paul Craig Roberts
- XXX’s Drinking And Drug Use Must Be Investigated by Doug Thompson
- XXX As The New Richard M. Nixon: Both Wiretapped Illegally, And Impeachably by John W. Dean
- NSA Just One Of Many Federal Agencies Spying On Americans by Doug Thompson
- It’s Not Just A Piece Of Paper by Christopher S. Bentley
- XXX’s Snoopgate by Jonathan Alter
- Law doesn’t back XXX tap by Bob Barr
- XXX Secretly Lifted Some Limits on Spying in U.S. After 9/11, The New York Times
- XXX on the Constitution by Doug Thompson
- Republican Congressman Slams XXX On Militarized Police State Preparation by Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
- XXX Selling Out America by Freeman Sawyer
- XXX seeks to federalize emergencies, The Washington Times
- Scaring The Hell Out of Fiscal Conservatives, EVOTE.COM
- Impeach XXX by Joseph Farah
- XXX’s Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides by Doug Thompson
- Video of XXX’s Finger Salute from Tonight Show with Jay Leno
- The Poison Sausage Factory by Rep. Ron Paul, MD
- CAFTA vote story, The Liberty Committee
- XXX Backed Removal of Ten Commandments Monument, One News
- XXX sets up domestic spy service, BBC News
- XXX Encouraged Illegal Aliens, ‘Tried to Cover It Up,’ Lawmaker Says, CNS News
- The Real News in the Downing Street Memos by Michael Smith
- Opinion : XXX Should be Kicked Out of His Church! by Dr. Don Boys
- New Memos Detail Early Plans for Invading Iraq, Los Angeles Times
- XXX’s Willing Executioners by Paul Craig Roberts
- President XXX — Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits by Cutting Edge Ministries
- The Era of Super-Sized Government by Stephen Slivinski
- The Downing Street Memo Story Won’t Die,
- President XXX Speech at Calvin College,
- What XXX’s GOP Espouses, by Howard Phillips
- XXX’s Presidential-Papers Power Grab, by James Bovard
- XXX decries border project, The Washington Times
- Justice Dept. Defends Satanism, Wicca, NewsMax
- Karl Rove Seen at Homosexual Orgies in Washington by Tom Flocco
- XXX Defends Packaged News Stories from Government, Reuters News
- The Anti-Conservatives by Patrick J. Buchanan
- XXX Signs Title X Funding Increase for 2005 by P. Leslie Riley, Jr.
- President Delivers Remarks at Annual National Prayer Breakfast, White House Press Release
- Despite Proposed Cuts, XXX Budget Is Bigger, LA Times
- How XXX’s Grandfather Helped Hitler’s Rise To Power, London Guardian
- Satan Displays XXX ‘Hook ‘em’ Hand Gesture, Prison Planet
- King Saul and President XXX by Stephen W. Carson
- Ignorance, Evil, and XXX by Ed Lewis
- War in Iraq: Was It Worth It? by Lee R. Shelton
- XXX’s America: A National Nightmare? by William Hughes
- President XXX’s (Christ-less) Christmas Message, 2004
- XXX White House’s Christ-less Christmas, World Net Daily
- The Mexican Connection Strong in the XXX Dynasty by Al Cronkite
- XXX Wins Again; Will The Babies Ever Win?, American Life League
- XXX’s Medicaid Abortions, Covenant News
- XXX Spending Record for Abortion Providers, Covenant News
- XXX Fell Short On Duty At Guard, The Boston Globe
- Why XXX Frightens Me by John M. Leone
- The Ownership Society by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
- XXXisms
- The XXX-Saudi Connection by Michelle Mairesse
- XXX – The Greater of Two Evils by David Brownlow
- XXX’s America: Expanding the Welfare State by Murray Sabrin
- XXX Admits He Targeted Saddam From The Start, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
- XXX Revealed – The Truth About President XXX Without Reservation
- XXX ‘Worship’ at Shinto Temple Troubles Christians in Japan and U.S., Worthy News
- XXX Spending Numbers, SF
- Why Christians Should Not Vote For XXX by Patrick Johnston, D.O.
- XXXite Betrayal Of Working America by Patrick Buchanan
- Presidential Message: Kwanzaa 2003
- XXX’s Strange Infatuation With Ozzy Osbourne, Cutting Edge
- President XXX Issues Muslims a Greeting at End of Month-Long Ramadan Holiday
- XXX Cheers ‘Gay’ Church After ‘Marriage Week’, World Net Daily
- XXX Hosted Ramadan Dinner At White House Mired In Islam Controversy, Yahoo News
- President XXX Played Major Role In Attack On Marriage by Debbie O’Hara
- Security, Secrecy and a XXX Brother by Margie Burns
- XXX Undermines Conservatism by George Will
- President XXX’s Kwanzaa Message, White
- XXX praises Islam for its ‘morality’, The Washington Times
- XXX Supporting Global Agenda? by Joan Veon
- Why do XXX/Ashcroft Continue the Anti-gun Policies of Clinton/Reno? by Harry Schneider
- Enron Tainted Democrat Contributor Has Big Role in XXX Administration, CNS News
- Evangelist Graham Highlights Saudi Link to Terrorism, Agape Press
- Bin Laden’s Family Link to XXX by Peter Allen, Daily Mail
- XXX Heroin Connection, Rolling Stone
- Learning to Love Big Brother, XXX channels George Orwell, San Francisco Chronicle
- Redirection of $34 million from UNFPA to USAID a ‘stab in the back’, American Life League
- Laura XXX Supports Kagan Nomination, New York Post, May 16, 2010
- Dick Cheney To West Point Cadets: Constitution, What Constitution? by Jim Capo
- Cheney’s Handwritten Notes Implicate XXX In Plame Affair,
- The XXX-Cheney Drug Empire, “From the Wilderness” Newsletter