What does individual Christian behavior have anything to do with civil governments being given the Sword? What did that have to do with the individual Christians Paul was talking to? Obey the civil government because it has been given the Sword does not make sense if it in the context Paul was talking to the individual Christians.
Obey the civil government because it has been given the Sword
does not make sense if it in the context Paul was talking to
the individual Christians.
I don't understand why
Here's the message:
"Obey the civil
government," you individual Christians, "because it
has been given the Sword" by God, and God commands you
not to resist evil.
That makes sense to me.
But, if you are trying to make the case that the sword only is taken up against nations for national sins, Paul's plea to individual Christians in Rome, referencing "the Sword" makes no sense, since their behavior is irrelevant to "Sword" power of government against a nation.
God gives the sword to Nation A to attack Nation B,
individuals in Nation B need to submit.
God operates
When the covenant people disobey, God sends
the sword against the covenant nation, and even the obedient
and faithful remnant in Nation B feels the heat.
When God
sends the sword, even the Daniels are taken captive.
the pastors are corrupt, even innocent sheep are scattered.
suppose one could say that "their behavior is irrelevant
to "Sword" power of government against a
nation," that is, irrelevant to the sword being GIVEN to
Nation A, but the faithful individuals in Nation B still have
a duty to submit to the sword of Nation A.
God will in good
time destroy nation A for wielding the sword against the
individuals of Nation B, both those who deserved judgment, and
those who did not. Until then, we sumbit to the sword, and do
not take up the sword in response to the evil acts of Nation A
which God ordained.
okay...I think at the very least, if we are going to capture the reformed, theonomic crowd, this argument needs to be tightened up to persuade them that the sword is only for nation vs nation, not nation's civil government wielding the sword in invidual crime cases.
don't understand the distinction -- "ONLY nation vs.
nation" and NOT "individual crime cases."
use of the sword against individuals is sinful.
The use of
the sword against individuals by a nation occupying another
nation is sinful.
God gave the sword to the empire of Rome
to invade the nation of Israel; Jesus and the apostles were
executed in "individual crime cases."
God gave
the sword to Hitler to punish compromised Catholics in Poland;
Bonhoeffer was executed in "an individual crime
God gave the sword to Obama to punish America,
and individual Christians are going to be imprisoned in
"individual crime cases."
In all these cases, we
are to submit, and not respond with violent revolution.
all these cases, the State sins, and will be judged by God.
ordains evil.
The Godly submit to evil.
God gives the
sword to one nation to invade and occupy another nation.
godly individual submits to the sword when it is wielded
against him as part of that occupation government.
of what you said, ""Sword" [Romans 13:4] does
not refer to individual penal sanctions (e.g., "capital
punishment"). The shedding of a criminal's blood [Genesis
9:4-6] performed the functions of all other ritual acts of
bloodshed, prefiguring the atonement for sin secured by
Christ's blood in His execution [Numbers 35:31,33; Deuteronomy
"The Sword" refers to national
"capital punishment" (i.e., a shedding of blood
[Ezekiel 35:5-6]), which is the sacrifice of a sinful people
who will not accept the Lord's sacrifice and righteousness by
The sword of vengeance, which belongs to God, is
the warfare whereby God slaughters a disobedient people in a
fiery sacrifice, [Deuteronomy 32:42-43 [NIV]; Judges 20:40;
Isaiah 34:5-8; Jeremiah 46:10; Ezekiel 39:17-20; Zephaniah
1:7-8; Matthew 23:35 + Revelation 19:3, 17-18] relegating
these idolatrous self-sacrifices and their dreams of Empire to
the "dung-heaps" of history [Exodus 29:14; Leviticus
16:27; Zephaniah 1:17-18]. ~ Kevin Craig.
Then you
said: "I've listed all the verses that use
"sword" as a synonym of war. Where are the greater
number of verses that speak of "capital punishment"
using "sword?"
Tom Reynolds responded:
"All I will say is look at the context of the verse
(Romans 13:4). Is Paul talking to or about nations or