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Libertarian TV program in New Jersey celebrates 300th show

With the television news media leaning heavily to either a Democrat or a Republican position, a third point of view is needed in the studio, Libertarians say.

And in New Jersey, cable television viewers have exactly that: "Third Point of View" is the name of a nonprofit, public access cable show dedicated to the presentation and advancement of libertarian principles.

The crew recently taped their 300th show to be broadcast on Cablevision of Monmouth, and "we're trying to let people know that this is something they can do in their own areas," said director Ray Babecki.

Third Point of View was started in 1992 as a New Jersey Libertarian Party-sanctioned outreach, when Shad Woolley and Richard "Reach" Helmka decided that the LP wasn't "getting their message out well," Babecki said.

"Shad and Reach founded TPOV because they felt that typical Libertarian outreach events -- like Operation Politically Homeless (OPH) booths -- were not connecting with a majority of citizens. They were searching for a more effective way of contacting people who get a majority of their news, entertainment and opinions from television."

At OPH booths set up at conventions, trade shows or other public events, Libertarians share the LP's message with those who have realized that they don't fit either the Republican or Democrat party -- or more importantly, that neither of the predominant parties is addressing the issues that matter to Americans.

"Operation Politically Homeless booths are great, but people these days get most of their information from television. We do this to get the libertarian message out there where the most people will see it," Babecki said.

And it's working, he said, noting that even some New Jersey government officials have reported watching the show.

Shows have included interviews with New Jersey Libertarian Party members, self-published authors, conspiracy theorists, practitioners of non-traditional medicine, leaders of pro-freedom and religious groups, and representatives from both predominant and alternative political parties.

"Recently, the show mostly has spotlighted a panel of eloquent Libertarians discussing current news events and problems, with the aim of providing solutions to them from a libertarian perspective," Babecki noted.

"We provide a forum for alternative opinions on social, political, and cultural issues,” he said, quoting the show's mission statement.

Putting the show together is entirely a volunteer operation, with LP members Tom Palven, Lou Stefanelli, Ginny Flynn, Len Flynn, Ed Place, Emerson Ellett, Liz Macron, Keith Quarles, Bob Hull,Michelle Swanson, Al and Helen Medwin, and Bob Hull regularly either sitting in on one of the panel discussions or running the cameras and other equipment.

Helmka, the show's original director, still provides technical and professional advice and assistance, although Babecki succeeded him as director in 1996.

Using equipment donated by the cable company, the crew and panel typically tape three shows a month between September and May, going on hiatus from June to August.

Selected episodes of the show are available at, and tapes of the show are loaned to other New Jersey Libertarians to run on their own local public-access cable channels, Babecki said.

For more information, go to the Web site; e-mail; or phone 1-732-738-9148 from 6-9 p.m. EDT.

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