The 112th Congress should:
- not recognize homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle
- not initiate force (fines, prisons,
executions) against those who
practice such a lifestyle
would like to set free the idea that we are
neither homosexual nor heterosexual but simply
(now perhaps unbelievably) sexual. As male and
female, we are, all of us, oriented. We are
oriented toward sexual reproduction.
The words “homosexual”
and “heterosexual” are nineteenth-century
neologisms made to sever romance from
responsibility and sex from fecundity. “Gay”
and “straight” are not taxonomies but
ideologies. They are not orientations but
disorientations: whether bi-, homo-, or
hetero-, hyphenated sexuality makes us lose
our sense of direction toward the truly
sexual, and the victims of such ideology are
children. Heterosexuality, I would argue,
is in fact protohomosexuality.
Sex has become
artificially severed from procreation, the
family, our body’s natural (biological)
purposes, and children have paid the price.
Every child has a right to a father and a
mother. Just because tragedies happen, this
does not give us license to preemptively
deprive children of the right to both a mother
and a father.
I am trying to
expose the sexual orientation in each one of
us—the orientation that’s so sweet it
hurts. We take our revenge on it by calling it
names like Attraction or Libido or Sex Drive.
It is the sexual orientation we cannot ignore
and cannot admit, though we want to do both.
We cannot admit it because it threatens the
whole big fake program we’ve been living.
Yet we cannot ignore it because it is written
in our very bodies and upon our deepest heart.
We pretend the
link between sex and fruitfulness is a
barbarism from a darker age. We sterilize
ourselves, we take drugs to suppress our
fertility, as a last resort we get an
abortion, and we behave as if we have settled
the matter. But all this is a ruse. Beneath
the fabricated sexual taxonomies and
technological subterfuge there remains the
undeniable human orientation toward sexual
reproduction. The menstrual cycle, the
erection, the womb and breasts all remind us
of this orientation. Even a condom cannot
conceal the fact that what you are spilling is
nothing less than seed. Biology and human
nature remind us that human sexuality is
oriented toward children and the future.
But whatever
else we may be, as men and women we are
sexually complementary and mutually involved
in generation. This is no social construct.
This is the permanent and irreducible truth of
biology and human nature.
Protohomosexual - Crisis Magazine |
Every person who signed the Constitution believed that homosexuality was
contrary to "the Laws of Nature and
of Nature's God." Does this mean homosexuality should be a
crime, and homosexuals should be put in prison?
Consider the terrifying irony of a law that says, "If I catch
you engaging in sodomy, I'm going to lock you up in a federal prison
where you'll
be sodomized every day for the next 10 years." But that's the
result of a secular legal system criminalizing homosexuality. Christians
should be opposed to this.
Entertainer Cher warned homosexuals and lesbians they might be rounded
up in a second Bush administration: "All the gay guys, all my
friends, all my gay friends, you guys you have got to vote, alright?
Because it would only be a matter of time before you guys would be so
screwed, I cannot tell you. Because, you know, the people, like, in
the very right wing of this party, of these Republicans, the very,
very right wing, the Jerry Falwell element, if they get any more
power, you guys are going to be living in some state by yourselves.
So, I hate scare tactics, but I really believe that that's true." WorldNetDaily:
The day after
I don't believe Jerry Falwell was this kind of fascist, but in any case,
all Libertarians oppose the kind of totalitarianism that "rounds
up" political opponents. Jesus Christ did not "round up"
His opponents; His opponents rounded
Him up, and His followers,
armed resistance,
and true Christians follow
in these steps.
Libertarians believe that laws prohibiting or regulating sexuality
should be abolished, but that people should have the
liberty to associate or not associate with anyone they wish, and
should have the freedom to preach their values publicly, and to put
their money where their values are. Libertarians oppose the use of the
government to impose values on people by force.
As long as Christians are not rounded
up for saying that homosexuality is a sin, I will continue to try to
persuade my friends on the Religious Right not to initiate force or
violence (either as "gay-bashing"
or in the form of criminal laws) against homosexuals. But this is a
two-way street. Will homosexuals give up their quest to have the
preaching of the Bible declared a "hate
Writing in the Los Angeles Daily News after the California
decision, David Benkof, who is gay, asked: “What
happens if a traditionally religious business owner wants to
extend his ‘marriage discount’ only to couples married in his
eyes?” After interviewing
several gay-rights legal organizations, Benkof predicts that they
will pursue any means necessary, even jail
time, to force recognition of same-sex marriage in most
areas of life. |
Gary Bauer, The
Aftershocks of Gay Marriage
Every person who signed the Constitution or played a part in its
ratification would agree with the following, and no candidate for Congress
is qualified to take a solemn oath to God to support and defend that
Constitution who does not believe the following:
- Every American has a right to believe that God says homosexuality is
a sin;
- Every American has a right to preach in public that God says
homosexuality is a sin;
- Every American has a right to own a hotel or apartment and insist
that lodgers, renters, tenants, etc, not engage in homosexual
activities, or they will be evicted;
- Every American has a right to own a restaurant and refuse to serve
anyone who engages in homosexual acts.
- Every American has a right to not to business with anyone who
engages in homosexual acts.
Probably a majority of politicians and bureaucrats today disagree with
America's Founding Fathers on these issues.
New Mexico,
Elaine Huguenin, a gifted photographer who is much in demand in the
Albuquerque, New Mexico area for her imaginative photos, especially of
weddings, received an e-mail from a woman wanting to hire her to
photograph her same-sex ceremony. Elaine considered the opportunity, but
soon determined that, as a conscientious Christian, she couldn’t lend
her talents to those proceedings without implicitly showing support for
same-sex “marriage.” She gracefully declined the offer.
A few
months later, Elaine and her husband, Jon, were notified by the New
Mexico Human Rights Commission that a complaint had been filed against
Elaine charging her with violating state anti-discrimination laws.
(This, despite the fact that the state of New Mexico doesn’t legally
recognize same-sex unions.) Elaine, the Commission determined, had
engaged in “sexual orientation discrimination.” She was fined nearly
"Hate Crimes" legislation
represents the abrogation of Constitutional rights for Christians and
others who believe homosexuality is offensive to the Creator.
Consequences of Same-Sex Marriage Are Becoming a Reality
Law and Culture
The men who signed the Declaration
of Independence
and the Constitution would be absolutely shocked and even horrified that I
am proposing or accepting the legalization of homosexuality. Homosexuality
was a crime in every state in America when the Constitution was ratified,
it had been since America was discovered, and it would be until 2003,
when the U.S. Supreme Court said such laws were
"unconstitutional." In Thomas Jefferson's day, homosexuality was
routinely punished by death.
If America's Founding Fathers were here today demanding that I account
for such wickedness as advocating the legalization of homosexuality, I
would reply that giving power to the government to punish homosexuality
after it happens ignores the fact that the government is creating a
culture which encourages more homosexuality to happen in the future. Our
best strategy is to work to take away the government's power to make
homosexuals suffer
after the fact, and at the same time work to make "intolerance"
of homosexuality legal, encouraging Christians to take advantage of their
opportunity to teach and preach the truth about homosexuality in schools,
churches, and the media.
Controlling culture is more important than writing laws prescribing
If we are to define homosexuality with reference to the number of
formerly-illegal acts committed, we would see that statistically speaking,
homosexuality is a very dark and dysfunctional deviancy. There are a few
"long-term" homosexual relationships that appear monogamous, but
there are far fewer violations of older criminal codes in these
relationships than there are in anonymous sex rendezvous among homosexuals
who have sex with hundreds
of different partners.
At this point in history we must be working to free people from sexual
slavery, and not working to prescribe government-imposed suffering and
vengeance which is contrary to the teachings of Christ; we must work to
create cultural bulwarks in schools and the media against homosexuality,
bestiality, and other abominable practices, making them something that
just doesn't happen in a Christian nation.
- A
Century of Scientific Study: Sexual
Orientation Can Be Changed
- 100 years of
professional and scientific literature from
600-plus studies and reports from
clinicians, researchers and former clients
principally published in professional and
peer-reviewed journals shows that
religiously mediated sexual orientation
change is possible and does not cause
psychological harm on average, directly
refuting unsubstantiated claims made by some
factions of the American Psychological
Association (APA) and several other
professional mental health organizations.
Question: My
problem is different from the ones most people
have. I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way
I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my
parents to know about me. What can I do? Is
there any place where I can go for help?
Answer: Your
problem is not at all an uncommon one. However,
it does require careful attention. The type of
feeling that you have toward boys is probably
not an innate tendency, but something that has
been culturally acquired. Your reasons for
adopting this habit have now been consciously
suppressed or unconsciously repressed.
Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this
problem by getting back to some of the
experiences and circumstances that lead to the
habit. In order to do this I would suggest that
you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you
in bringing to the forefront of conscience all
of those experiences and circumstances that lead
to the habit. You are already on the right road
toward a solution, since you honestly recognize
the problem and have a desire to solve it.
Martin Luther King, Jr. “Advice for Living” Chicago,
Ill., January 1958 |
- The Gay
Gene: Going, Going...Gone
- Focus
on the Family Position Statement on Same-Sex "Marriage" and
Civil Unions (Oct 4, 2000)
- Don't
Ask, Just Forget (Jan 31, 2000)
- Setting
the Record Straight (Dec 27, 1999)
- Frequently
Asked Questions about Same-Sex "Marriage" (Oct 22, 1999)
- Help
for the Homosexual (Jul 13, 1999)
- Focus
on the Family Position Statement on Violence Against Homosexuals
(Oct 1, 1998)
- Focus
on the Family Position Statement on Homosexual Rights (Oct 1,
- Toward
a new hope for healing (Sep 15, 1998)
- Toward
an open debate on homosexual behavior (Sep 15, 1998)
- Toward
a new national discussion of homosexuality (Sep 15, 1998)
- Toward
hope and healing for homosexuals (Sep 15, 1998)
- Sharing
the Truth in Love (Jul 21, 1998)
- Civility
In The Workplace (Mar 1, 1997)
Captivity? Discover the Reality of the Gay Agenda in
Public Schools
Answers: Exposing the Myths & Facts About Homosexuality Straight
Answers on Homosexuality
the Record Straight Stand Your Ground About Alternative
Should We Respond? How God Wants the Church to Treat

Consequences of What Homosexuals Do
next: Pornography