You Need an "Extremist" in Washington D.C.
Politics is a "tug-of-war." On one side of the rope are
politicians who want to win re-election by promising gullible, ignorant
voters that they can have some of your money: either money
withheld from your next pay check, or purchasing
power taken from the money you have saved for your retirement.
The overwhelming majority of Representatives in Congress are pulling America toward socialism, fascism, and Obamunism.
Pulling on the other side of the rope, pulling toward smaller
government, lower taxes, less debt, fewer promises that can't be paid,
returning to the Constitution, restoring "Liberty
Under God," is . . . who?
Who is on the other side of your rope?
More important, who is strong enough to pull against 400
other Representatives who are pulling to give your money to special
interests and ignorant voters?
You need an "extremist"
pulling the rope in your direction. You need a fanatic who will
pull harder than all the other members of Congress. Barry Goldwater, the
1964 Republican Nominee for President, responded
to repeated accusations of "extremism" as follows:
I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no
vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of
justice is no virtue!
When Democrats accuse Republicans of wanting to "cut
spending," all the Republicans are really proposing is to cut the rate
of increase of spending. Instead of spending increasing by 10% a
year, Republicans want spending to increase only 7% a year! This only postpones
the Day
of Reckoning
You need someone who, like America's Founding Fathers, would "alter
or abolish" unconstitutional spending. You need
someone with strength of conviction who is passionately
opposed to unconstitutional debt and reckless spending.
You may not agree with Kevin Craig's radical
views. You may think he distrusts
government too much. You may think he goes
"overboard." But if your representative in Congress is only
hoping to "hold the line," he's going to be out-pulled by
hundreds of representatives who are trying to increase spending.
You need someone who's actually trying to "go too far" in
order to balance out those who have already gone too far.
Only a radical libertarian can be
trusted to pull against extraordinary corruption and dangerous spending
from an entire Congress.
Just as the world gasped in horror when America's Founding Fathers
created a nation with no king at all, so you may be shocked at
the radical libertarian ideas of Kevin Craig. He believes that future
generations will have no government at all.
The only reason "the government" exists is to permit the
governors to do things against the governed that would otherwise be
immoral and unethical:
You don't do these things in the ordinary conduct of your business,
as you better the lives of your customers and clients. All these things
are unapproved in polite society, unrewarded by the Free Market, but
they are legal and taxpayer-financed in the world of "the
We cannot eliminate "government
corruption" without eliminating the entire concept of "the
government." It is an out-dated idea. It was never a good idea.
If you disagree with this, but do indeed want less
"corruption," less debt, less unconstitutional
spending, your best bet is to vote for a candidate that believes all
government debt and spending is corrupt and immoral. If you vote for
someone who believes some government
confiscation of the life, liberty or property of others is morally and
ethically legitimate, you vote for someone who has no ultimate
restraints on his corruption. America's Founding Fathers crafted what
they believed was the greatest political charter in the history of the
human race. It was designed as carefully as they knew how to prevent
the rise of the very government we have today. Obviously the
Constitution is a failure. The promises of today's politicians are worth
even less than the Constitution. Everything the greatest sages of the
ages have discerned about human
nature warns us that a license to steal (taxation)
will never atrophy, but will always be used with increasing frequency.
Computers, automobiles, medical supplies, air
conditioners, telephones, refrigerators, and everything else that raises
our standard of living, can be produced better, more efficiently, more
inexpensively, with higher quality, by the Free Market than by "the
government." There is nothing that human beings need that can be
produced with higher quality and a lower price for more people by
"the government" than by the Free
Our system of government is supposedly based on "the
consent of the governed." "We the People" don't need
to consent to anything anymore. History has taught us that socialism
always fails, and capitalism triumphs. Government lowers our standard of
living, capitalism
raises it.
We didn't need London in 1776, and we don't need Washington D.C.