Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2012
Government Spending

The 113th Congress should realize:
  • Cutting taxes is not enough (as unimaginable as that would be)
  • Balancing the Budget is not enough
  • Spending must be cut
  • Current spending props up unconstitutional, tyrannical government programs
  • Spending for unconstitutional programs can be "balanced" by confiscatory taxation,
    making the budget even more tyrannical
  • Government cannot "invest" - it can only spend
  • Government spending is never productive; it is always consumptive
  • Government spending eats capital and makes us poorer

A Balanced Budget Amendment is Not the Answer

Government spending is out of control because politicians have completely forgotten the reason "We the People" created the federal government in the first place.

The Constitution creates a government of enumerated powers. The main purpose of the federal government is to protect us from foreign invasion. Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, are all outside of the governments enumerated powers. Spending on these bureaucracies should be cut entirely.

The Constitution did not give Washington D.C. the authority to plan for our retirement or provide cheap prescription drugs. Huge entitlement programs are unconstitutional.

The purpose of government is not to redistribute income from the rich to the poor. The purpose of government is not to create a cash-cow for campaign supporters.

Even the most fundamental constitutional purpose -- national defense -- has been contaminated with the "entitlement" mentality, and defense contractors use taxpayers to line their pockets. Military Spending also needs to be cut significantly.

The issue is not "waste" or "fraud" -- the issue is the fundamental purpose of the federal government. An "earmark" of a million dollars is not the issue. We need to cut federal spending by trillions of dollars this year.

Tell Congress to cut federal spendingClick here to ask Congress to either cut federal spending in general, to cut spending in a specific area, or to oppose a specific spending bill. Just add your personal comments to our generic "cut spending" message to tell your Representative and your two Senators exactly what kind of spending cuts you want.

It became common during the Clinton Administration to speak of government spending as an "investment." Congress might also therefore attach the following to each spending bill:

By voting for this legislation I hereby affirm my belief that the information and knowledge possessed by me and 434 other Congressman-"investors" is greater than the collective knowledge and information possessed by a Free Market of 150 million individual investors, pension fund managers, insurance company executives, mutual fund administrators, and brokers, all of whom do not have the luxury of obtaining investment funds by passing a law, but must earn their investment dollars.

See also: Deficits