Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2010
Foreign Policy & Investments

Missouri Farm Bureau

Kevin Craig - "Liberty Under God"

We favor continuous monitoring of foreign investments in the United States.  
We oppose preferential tax treatment of foreign investors and insist that all foreign investors be subject to the same tax liabilities as U.S. citizens. It is difficult to imagine a more foolish policy than taxing investments, which create the capital necessary to provide our material needs and our enviable standard of living. Investments produce; taxation depletes and funds unnecessary government programs. Both foreign and domestic investment should be tax-free.
We favor maintaining the existing U.S. currency exchange system and oppose any movement to an "Amero" or any combination thereof with Mexico and Canada. A separate website has been created to describe the threat of the "Security and Prosperity Partnership." This agreement suggests that the U.S. should not fight terrorism by securing its borders with Mexico and Canada, but should merge the three nations into a North American Union and the three present governments could be united to fight terrorism at the common North American border. www.STOPtheSPP.US
Due to the concern for identify theft and privacy issues in our personal lives, we oppose moving to a cashless society with electronic transfers to foreign countries. Digital cash is actually a tremendous barrier to government intrusion on individual liberties and privacy. See these Digital Finance links. Free market encryption protects against identity theft.
We oppose Missouri or any portion thereof being designated as a regional center by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), which would make the state eligible to accept foreign investments focused on the expansion of agriculture production and infrastructure.  
We believe immigration reform should include the following four processes: The only power given to the federal government in the Constitution is the power to determine citizenship. No power is given to the federal government to infringe on rights to immigrate, emigrate, or employ those who do.

The Kevin Craig campaign website has a comprehensive subsection on immigration. The campaign blog also contains additional resources.
1. Secure our borders,  
2. Deny amnesty to illegal immigrants,  
3. Put in place a guest worker program, without amnesty, that will efficiently provide American employers with willing guest workers who come to America legally, and  
4. Enforce tough employer sanctions that ensure a full partnership between American business and the American government in the enforcement of our laws on immigration and guest workers. The current system for verifying documents and worker eligibility should be strengthened.  
We support reforming the H-2a visa program to better enable American farmers, including those who have year-round labor needs, to recruit legal temporary foreign workers when domestic workers cannot fulfill labor demand.  
United Nations  
Whereas the United Nations, through its policies and programs, demonstrates philosophies that are in direct conflict with the principles in the U.S. Constitution and with the principles of the free enterprise system; and whereas the United Nations seeks to impose its philosophies upon the American people through a variety of international treaties and agreements; therefore we oppose the ratification of:  
• The UN Convention on Biological Diversity,  

Kevin Craig opposes all these Conventions, and believes the U.N. should be abolished entirely.

• The UN Convention on the Law of the Seas,
• The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and
• The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
Due to the fact that there is no scientific consensus to support the theory of global warming, we are opposed to the ratification or implementation by regulation of the Kyoto Protocol to the U.N. Climate Change Treaty. The provisions of this protocol would severely reduce the ability of America and other developed nations to compete with the rest of the world. In addition to the link at left, attention should be paid to the fact that the "environmental movement" is toxic. A substantial core of the movement hates human beings, and believes that the earth would be better without the human race. The environmental movement is pathological.
We support the withdrawal of the United States from further participation in, and funding of, the United Nations. Kevin Craig supports this. Republicans oppose the Missouri Farm Bureau on this issue.

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KC's next: Missouri Farm Bureau Philosophy