Congress should:
- re-study the original purposes of civil government
- abolish all unconstitutional agencies and
- cut off funding of all Non-Governmental Organizations
- The purpose of civil government is to promote Christianity. See the
evidence from America's Founders here.
- The Constitution allows the federal government to act only in areas
which have been strictly enumerated in
the Constitution.
- Understanding those two concepts is critical in empowering and
inspiring activists to abolish unChristian and unConstitutional
government programs and agencies.
- The purpose of this page is to show how vast that assignment really
Use the mnemonic "3-4-5" to think about the scope
of your government.
The following is a catalog of government tentacles, to gain
an overview of all that "the government" is doing.
We must always keep in mind that at present the government
is committed to being a "secular" government, which is to say, an atheistic
government, that its religion is the
religion of Secular Humanism and "pluralism,"
which is an outright denial of the truth of Christianity. Around the world,
agencies of the U.S. Government are promoting atheism and immorality.
Our goal should not be to change government funding from
atheistic agencies to "Christian" agencies; to use the coercive
power of the U.S. Federal Government to impose Christianity and
threaten vengeance and punishment to those who engage in immorality,
but to eliminate the tentacles that now encompass not just
America, but the entire Globe.
- Efforts at Christian Reconstruction and
social healing should be undertaken by voluntary
associations in the Free Market. This requires a complete
transfiguration of our view of "society." A Christian view of
"society" distinguishes society and
state. Social order for the Christian begins with a regenerated
heart, which
- leads one's family,
influences one's neighbors, shapes local
schools, determines the ethical practices of businesses and
corporations, and demands Christian values in media and
- Working from the individual, from the "bottom
up," Christianity creates a Godly and humane society, without
much help from "the State." Imposing
a Godly society on unconverted people using the coercive
power of the sword is repudiated
by the Bible.
This catalog of Government tentacles is vastly abbreviated.
Its purpose cannot be exhaustive identification of all the tentacles. The
important point is to see how broad the scope is. Every area of life and
thought is being reconstructed by these atheistic agencies. This is the
outworking of a secular, non-Christian worldview,
which views Caesar as Savior. There may be
well-intentioned Christians working in the organizations listed below, and
not everything done by these agencies would go undone if these agencies were
abolished; some genuinely humanitarian activities are performed by some of
these agencies, and Christians would undoubtedly take up the slack and solve
the problems which these agencies purport to solve. But this catalog
represents hundreds of billions of dollars spent on largely wasted (at best)
efforts, or worse, successful promotion of atheism and immorality in the
quest for a Humanistic
"Reforming" a tentacle here or there, or even
amputating one tentacle here or another there, will not stop this beast.
Individuals must develop a Christian worldview,
and the entire Octopus must be destroyed.
First we'll survey domestic tentacles of atheism and
immorality, then we'll look at the global reach of
Washington-funded tentacles.
Commissions and Committees |
Commissions and Committees are created by Congress in the form of
an amendment to an existing act, to advise the President and
Congress on specific topics.
Agencies |
Agencies are not officially Executive Agencies but are required by
statute to publish certain information on their programs and
activities in the Federal Register.
Finally, we have to examine the effect of Federally-Funded
NGO's ("Non-Governmental
Agencies") as well as International
NGO's. At one point we had begun a catalog of NGO's, like the
abbreviated catalog of government agencies above. But Helmut Anheier et
al, in their work Global
Civil Society
place the number of internationally operating NGOs at 40,000.
And that was back in 2001. [Global
Civil Society 2007/8 ]
World Bank, defines
NGOs as "private organizations that pursue activities to relieve
suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment,
provide basic social services, or undertake community development". A
World Bank Key Document, Working With NGOs, adds, "In wider usage,
the term NGO can be applied to any non-profit organization which is
independent from government. NGOs are typically value-based organizations
which depend, in whole or in part, on charitable donations and
voluntary service.
By the way, which leader of the World Bank did you
vote for? To say an NGO depends "in part" on charitable donations
is to say it depends "in part" on government funding, which is to
say, your paycheck. But as "the
smoking man" on X-Files used to say, "Access. It's all about
access." Even if privately financed, an atheistic NGO will be granted
access where a Christian NGO would not.
Over the last few decades, federal funding has been given
only to NGO's that promote secularism and non-Christian morality. There have
recently been efforts to get "faith-based" NGO's funded which
promote, e.g., abstinence rather than condoms. "Secularist" and
"pluralist" forces have fought these appropriations tooth and
nail. In the long run, the best approach is to eliminate federal funding for
everyone's NGO.
Here is a short list of
NGO's affiliated with the United Nations, which
receives funding taken from your paycheck.
Abolition 2000
American Humanist Association
Association for Progressive
Association "FOR
Baha'i International Community
Center for
International Cooperation
Center of Concern
Earth Charter
Education With Enterprise Trust
Education International
Experiment in International Living
The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt
GCS (Global Cooperation Society)
Global Education Associates
Global Policy Forum
Good Neighbors International
The Hague International Model
United Nations
Information Habitat: Where
Information Lives
INFG - International Network for
Institute for Development Research (IDR)
Institute of World
International Agency for Economic
International Association "CAUCASUS: Ethnic Relations, Human
Rights, Geopolitics")
International Campaign To Ban Landmines
Union for Land Value Taxation
IPPNW Hamburg
The League of Women Voters
Legacy International
The Lifebridge Foundation
National Council on Family Relations
NAN (No to Alcoholism
& Drug Addiction)
Napredna omladinska alternativa
Republike Srpske(Progressive Youth Organisation, Republic of Srpska
The National
Group of Georgia of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR-IGFM)
NGO Committee on Disarmament
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Pathways To Peace
Quaker United Nations Office
Society for Conservation and
Protection of Environment (SCOPE)
The Society for the
Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)
Soroptimist International of the
State of the World Forum for
Emerging Leaders
Surgical Aid to
Children of the World
Together Foundation for Global
TRANS Youth Association
UNA-USA - United Nations
Association-United States of America
United Nations Association
of Puerto Rico (UNA-USA Division)
Wainwright House
We the Peoples (A Peace
Messenger Initiative)
WGG - The NGO Working Group on
The Wittenberg Center for
Alternative Resources
Women's Action for New Directions
Women's Federation for World Peace
World Council of Independent Christian
World Federation of United Nations
WIT - World Information Transfer
The World Peace Prayer Society
WSO - World Safety Organization
World Young Women's Christian
Wyndom Foundation
Yachay Wasi
The Secretariat of Youth for
Habitat International Network
You might even want to make a donation to some of these organizations.
Others offend you. It is wrong for the government to threaten you with
prison if you don't "contribute" to a federal budget which funds
-- directly and indirectly -- these agencies and a hundred thousand others
like them which are destructive of your conscientiously-held values.
Other NGO's
stands for international NGO;
is short for business-oriented international NGO, or big international
short for environmental NGO, such as Global
are government-operated NGOs, which may have been set up by governments
to look like NGOs in order to qualify for outside aid or promote the
interests of the government in question;
are quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations, such as the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO). (The ISO is actually not
purely an NGO, since its membership is by nation, and each nation is
represented by what the ISO Council determines to be the 'most broadly
representative' standardization body of a nation. That body might itself
be a nongovernmental organization; for example, the United States is
represented in ISO by the American
National Standards Institute, which is independent of the federal
government. However, other countries can be represented by national
governmental agencies; this is the trend in Europe.)
short for technical assistance NGO;
- CSO, short
for citizen sector organization or citizen society organization;
Which is Worse: A "Corrupt" NGO or an "Effective"
NGO? Many NGO's have an explicitly anti-Christian purpose, or a
purpose that would appall the men who signed the Declaration of Independence
and Constitution. Other NGO's have a more reasonable, less destructive
purpose, but your taxdollars are swallowed up in their administrative waste
and corruption.
- The Uncivil
Civil Society: The Pernicious Influence of NGO's
- Exactly How Has
the US Meddled in the Ukrainian Elections? by Congressman Ron Paul
- Statement before the US House International Relations Committee,
December 7, 2004
Mr. Chairman: President
Bush said last week that, "Any election (in Ukraine), if there is
one, ought to be free from any foreign influence." I agree with the
president wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, it seems that several US
government agencies saw things differently and sent US taxpayer dollars
into Ukraine in attempt to influence the outcome.
We do not know exactly how many millions – or tens of millions – of
dollars the United States government spent on the presidential election
in Ukraine. We do know that much of that money was targeted to assist
one particular candidate, and that through a series of cut-out
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – both American and Ukrainian
– millions of dollars ended up in support of the presidential
candidate, Viktor Yushchenko.
- Bush’s
Foreign-Aid Fraud by James Bovard
- Foreign
aid fails in part because of pervasive corruption. A 2003 report from a
leading Bangladesh university estimated that 75 percent of all foreign
aid received in that country is lost to corruption. Northwestern
University political economist Jeffrey Winters estimated that more than
50 percent of World Bank aid is lost to corruption in some African
countries. President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria announced in 2002 that
African leaders “have stolen at least $140 billion from their people
in the decades since independence.”
An African Union study pegged the
takings at a much higher rate, estimating Africa’s toll from
corruption at $150 billion every year. Lavish automobiles are so popular
among African government officials that a word has come into use in
Swahili – wabenzi – for “men of the Mercedes-Benz.”
Investment guru Jim Rogers, who recently drove around the globe,
Most foreign aid winds up with outside consultants, the local
military, corrupt bureaucrats, the new NGO [nongovernmental
organizations] administrators, and Mercedes dealers. There are
Mercedes dealers in places where there are not even roads.
- The
NGO Revolutionaries and the Leninists Who Support Them
- When
Poverty Becomes Profitable - The Acton Institute
- Globalization
Without Tears An economist debates the NGOs.
- "in India these days, it's easier to attract a bride by offering
her an NGO than by offering her a green card"
- Watch
out, quangocrats – our patience is running out | Minette Marrin -
Times Online
- "He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms
of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their substance."
of Independence, 1776
Governments around the world swallow up half of the world's wealth. Can
you imagine how the world could be improved if people were allowed to keep
their money out of the government coffers and donate that money to churches,
non-profit agencies, and other organizations that are held accountable by
the Free Market and achieve many times the good results at a fraction of the
cost of government agencies? When families spend their money in "the pursuit
of happiness," the money is spent more
wisely and more humanely than when the government re-distributes family
money to various bureaucracies and NGO's.
"The Government" -- as a way of achieving social objectives and
a vehicle for social change -- is not a friend of any disciple of the Executed
July, 2015: The United Nations supports pro-family policy; The United
States Opposes it.
United States lobbied [against it] with great energy,” says Slater,
noting that pushing the LGBT agenda abroad has become a “primary
objective of our nation's foreign policy.” She even reports that our
delegation threatened to withhold foreign aid to developing nations if
they affirmed the natural family. The
West, the Family, and the Big Picture -
next: "The Administrative