President Bush's
Saturday Morning Radio Address
Another Perspective:
"Liberty Under God"
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Earlier this week, more than 120 million Americans went to the polls and voted for a new President and Congress. No matter how we cast our ballots, all Americans have reason to be proud of our democracy. Our citizens have chosen a President who represents a triumph of the American story -- a testament to hard work, optimism, and faith in the enduring promise of our Nation. |
Americans should NOT be proud of our democracy for two reasons:
- America was supposed to be a Republic, not a Democracy
- American voters are truly ignorant.
What is "the enduring promise of our Nation?"
- That we would be a City upon a Hill, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world
- That we would secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity through individual pursuit of happiness (not socialist "spread-the-wealth" schemes)
Obama does not believe in these enduring promises. |
When I called President-Elect Obama to congratulate him on his historic victory, I told him that he can count on my complete cooperation as he makes his transition to the White House. Ensuring that this transition is seamless is a top priority for the rest of my time in office. Our country faces economic challenges that will not pause to let a new President settle in. This will also be America's first wartime presidential transition in four decades. We're in a struggle against violent extremists determined to attack us -- and they would like nothing more than to exploit this period of change to harm the American people. |
Government wants us to believe we are in a perpetual state of emergency, thus justifying perpetual government control.
The problems that constitute an "emergency" were, of course, caused by the government in the first place.
There was no constitutional declaration of war four decades ago. |
So my Administration will work hard to ensure that the next President and his team can hit the ground running. For more than a year now, the White House and agencies throughout the Federal government have been preparing for a smooth transition. We've provided intelligence briefings to the President-Elect, and the Department of Justice has approved security clearances for members of his transition staff. In the coming weeks, we will ask Administration officials to brief the Obama team on major ongoing policy issues, ranging from the financial markets to the war in Iraq. I will keep the President-Elect fully informed on important decisions during this critical time for our Nation. Taken together, these measures represent an unprecedented effort to ensure continuity throughout the executive branch. |
I think that Republicans treat Democrats more graciously than Democrats treat Republicans. One is reminded of the White House Vandalism that Clinton staffers left for the incoming Bush Administration.
Republicans always (stupidly) confirm Democrat nominees, while Democrats go to extremes not to confirm Republican nominees solely on the ground that they are Republican, not always with any real policy concerns (given that White House Republicans are conservative in name only).
A successful transition is just one of the many important tasks remaining for my Administration. Yesterday we learned that America's economy lost jobs in the month of October, and I will continue working hard to return our Nation to the path of prosperity and growth. To help address the global financial crisis, my Administration will host an historic international summit in Washington on November 15. We will also keep urging Congress to approve America's free trade agreements with Colombia and Panama and South Korea. We will continue working to defeat the terrorists and extremists abroad, to keep the American people safe here at home. |
Global financial woes will not be solved by international "summits." They will be solved be purging from the world the pernicious effects of a dollar which is now fraudulent.
Free trade is created by removing obstacles to trade, not be creating new unconstitutional government agencies to manage trade.
Americans expect their President to conduct the people's business. I will continue to uphold this solemn obligation for as long as this office remains in my trust. In the meantime, I join the American people in wishing President-Elect Obama every success. Laura and I wish the Obama family as much joy and happiness as our family has found in this wonderful house. |
Thank you for listening. |
- Gene Callahan
- Your Right Not To Vote
Exercise it while you still can.
- Rock the Non-Vote, Part 1
- Rock the Non-Vote, Part 2
Not voting is a blow to the state and the establishment.
- Wally Conger
- Forget Voting
But whom will you root for? Article by Wally Conger.
- Don't Vote
Wally Conger's anti-electorate manifesto.
- Thomas DiLorenzo
- Don't Vote
It's the patriotic thing to do, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
- Brian Dunaway
- Voting Is Immoral
- Don't Vote
You'll only help legitimize the criminal gang running the country, says Brian Dunaway.
- The Voting Blues
Brian Dunaway on the trouble with democracy.
- Brad Edmonds
- Voting Is Evil
Abstaining is good, says Brad Edmonds.
- Anthony Gregory
- Go Ahead, Cancel the Election
There would be silver linings to such a usurpation, says Anthony Gregory.
- Voting for the Lesser of Two Police States
Anthony Gregory on the election.
- Paul Hein
- Don't Do It!
Vote, that is.
- J. H. Huebert
- Every Vote is Wasted
- Ira Katz
- A Vote for Not Voting
We need voter de-registration drives, says Ira Katz.
- Robert Klassen
- Your Vote Counts
But only in the marketplace, says Robert Klassen.
- Vote for the Leader of the Gang?
No thanks, says Robert Klassen.
- Turn Your Back
On the 2004 elections, says Robert Klassen.
- Don't Vote
It makes you culpable.
- Al Lowi
- The Vanishing Voter
Al Lowi says, Hurray.
- Benjamin Marks
- Americans Are Free Not To Vote
We in Australia are not, says Benjamin Marks.
- Wendy McElroy
- Be Responsible: Don't Vote
Don't be a conformist, says Wendy McElroy.
- Bob Murphy
- Hey, Voters
- Still Don't Vote
Bob Murphy responds to his critics.
- Picking Neither of Two Evils
Picking Neither of Two Evils, Part II
Bob Murphy on the irrationality of voting.
- Don't Cancel the Election!
It would be a nightmare, despite the trouble with mass democracy, says Bob Murphy.
- Don't Let the Feds Postpone the Election
Unless you want Occupied America, says Bob Murphy.
- Michael Peirce
- Heads They Win, Tails You Lose
Michael Peirce on the election.
- Fred Reed
- The Con Game Called Democracy
Voting is a public display of weak character and low intelligence, says Fred Reed. (And see Hoppe.)
- Mark Reynolds
- Why I Don't Vote
Mark Reynolds on a waste of time for you that pleases the government.
- Jeremy Sapienza
- Vote?
Are you kidding?
- Bretigne Shaffer
- Don't Vote
Indeed, don't participate in politics at all. Article by Bretigne Shaffer.
- Butler Shaffer
- Bush or Kerry?
Butler Shaffer on how to decide.
- Elect a Donkey
No, no. A real one.
- Why I Do Not Vote
Politics is evil, says Butler Shaffer.
- John Seiler
- Alien vs. Predator
John Seiler on election 2004.
- Russ Stein
- Ignore the Campaign Too
Not voting is only the first step, says Russell Stein.
- Mark Thornton
- Don't Vote, or Vote 3rd Party
Both are right, says Mark Thornton.
- Mark Westcott
- Stay Home on November 2
Mark Westcott goes over a few of the reasons.
Does Voting Matter?
Should You Vote At All?
A Non-Voting Bibliography
Compiled by Wilton Alston
For general theory on non-voting and political party involvement, see:
- the late Samuel Edward Konkin III, so-called agorist, founder of The Movement of the Libertarian Left, author of The New Libertarian Manifesto (PDF), editor of the magazine New Libertarian, coiner (in 1971) of the term “minarchy.”
- the late Robert LeFevre, founder of the Freedom School and Rampart College .
- Ronald N. Neff, editor of the (currently exclusively online) magazine The Last Ditch.
- George H. Smith, Carl Watner, and Wendy McElroy (her website), the three founders of the magazine The Voluntaryist (old web site), currently edited by Watner.
For specific articles on non-voting (with some pro-con debate), see:
- Wilton D. Alston, “Legitimizing Voting: A Modest Proposal”,
- Anonymous, “Why I Refuse to Register (to Vote or Pay Taxes)”, The Voluntaryist, no. 100 (October 1999). (Also available here.)
- Raymond William [“Bill”] Bradford, “Voting Is No Sin”, Liberty, November 1996. (A response to McElroy’s “Why I Would Not Vote…Even Against Hitler”)
- Richard O. Hammer, “Is it Wise to Vote? Getting My Head Ready for Freedom”
- Jacob G. Hornberger, “Five Questions to Ronald N. Neff”, With Mr. Ronald N. Neff’s reply, “Ron Neff replies.” The Last Ditch, February 3, 2002 .
- Samuel Edward Konkin III, “The Damnation of Bill Bradford”, New Libertarian. (A response to Bradford ’s “Voting Is No Sin”)
- Roderick T. Long, “Dismantling Leviathan from Within. Part I: Can We? Should We?”, Formulations, vol. 2, no. 4 (Issue no. 8) (Summer 1995). (Also available here.)
- Roderick T. Long, “Dismantling Leviathan from Within. Part II: The Process of Reform”, Formulations, vol. 3, no. 1 (Issue no. 9) (Autumn 1995). (Also available here.)
- Roderick T. Long, “Dismantling Leviathan from Within. Part III: Is Libertarian Political Action Self-Defeating?”, Formulations, vol. 3, no. 2 (Issue no. 10) (Winter 1995–1996). (Also available here.)
- Roderick T. Long, “Dismantling Leviathan from Within. Part IV: The Sons of Brutus.” Formulations, vol. 3, no. 3 (Issue no. 11) (Spring 1996). (Also available here.)
- Wendy McElroy, “Neither Bullets nor Ballots”, The Voluntaryist, no. 1 (October 1982). (Also available here.) Reprinted (“in slightly alterered form”) as Introduction to Carl Watner, Wendy McElroy & George H. Smith, Neither Bullets nor Ballots: Essays on Voluntaryism (Voluntaryists, 1983). (Also available here.)
- Wendy McElroy, “Climbing Off the Bandwagon”, The Voluntaryist, no. 3 (February 1983). (Also available here and here.)
- Wendy McElroy, “Why I Would Not Vote…Even Against Hitler”, Liberty, May 1996. Reprinted in The Voluntaryist, no. 85 (April 1997). (Reprint version also available here and here.)
- Stefan Molyneux, “My Son: Klan Reformer”, (This is a personal favorite of mine.)
- Ronald N. Neff, “Oh, sure . . . your vote matters!” The Last Ditch, November 8, 2000 .
- Ronald N. Neff, “Why I am not a Libertarian”, The Last Ditch, November 28, 2000 .
- Ronald N. Neff, “Ron Paul’s Gift”, The Last Ditch, September 19, 2001 .
- Ronald N. Neff, “Fifty Ron Pauls and the Government with Only One Law”, The Last Ditch, September 19, 2001 . Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.
- Hans Sherrer, “Non-Voting as an Act of Secession”, The Voluntaryist, no. 114 (3rd Quarter 2002). (Also available here.)
- George H. Smith, “The Ethics of Voting — Part I”, The Voluntaryist, no. 1 (October 1982). (Also avaliable here.)
- George H. Smith, “The Ethics of Voting — Part II”, The Voluntaryist, no. 2 (December 1982). (Also available here.)
- George H. Smith, “The Ethics of Voting — Part III”, The Voluntaryist, no. 4 (April 1983). (Also available here.)
- George H. Smith, “Party Dialogue”, New Libertarian, vol. IV, no. 8 (December 1980–February 1981). Reprinted in Carl Watner, Wendy McElroy & George H. Smith, Neither Bullets nor Ballots: Essays on Voluntaryism (Voluntaryists, 1983).
- Joe Sobran. “How to Vote for Liberty”, Sobran’s: The Real News of the Month,
- October 26, 2004 . Reprinted in The Voluntaryist, no. 126 (3rd quarter 2005). (Reprint version also available here.)
- Geoff Turecek. “An Open Letter to Voters: Please Don't”,
- Carl Watner. “Cultivate Your Own Garden: No Truck with Politics”, The Voluntaryist, no. 40 (October 1989). (Also available here.)
- Carl Watner. “Harry Browne — Have You Forgotten?: "The Lesser of Two Evils is Still Evil"”, The Voluntaryist, no. 85 (April 1997). (Also available here.)
- Carl Watner. “Is Voting an Act of Violence?” The Voluntaryist, no. 103 (April 2000). (Also available here.) Even more articles may be reached via online repositories:
- The Against Politics Web page “The Calculus of Voting”
- The Non-Voting Archive. (Butler Shaffer, among others, has some great stuff in this archive!)
- The No Treason Voting Archive.
- The Strike The Root Non-Voting Archive. (Several, but not all, of the articles noted here can be found in this archive!)
- The Voluntaryist’s list of “Additional essays related to non-voting and The Dissenting Electorate.”
- Books on non-voting include:
- Sy Leon. None of the Above: The Lesser of Two Evils . . . Is Evil. (With an Introduction by Harry Browne.) Fabian Publishing Co., 1976.
- Sy Leon. None of the Above: Why Non-Voters Are America’s Political Majority. 2nd ed., rev. ed. (re-titled) with a new Introduction by John Pugsley. Fox & Wilkes, 1996.
- Carl Watner, Wendy McElroy & George H. Smith. Neither Bullets nor Ballots: Essays on Voluntaryism. Voluntaryists, 1983. (See also, The Voluntaryist bibliography.)
- Carl Watner, ed. I Must Speak Out: The Best of The Voluntaryist 1982–1999 (PDF). San Francisco, California: Fox & Wilkes, 1999. Table of Contents and Other Material.
- Carl Watner with Wendy McElroy, eds. Dissenting Electorate: Those Who Refuse to Vote and the Legitimacy of Their Opposition (Introduction Only) (Also available here.) McFarland & Company, 2000. Table of Contents, along with some other material, available here.
Kevin Craig's Platform:
What Would America's Founding Fathers Do?
The men who threw tea into the Boston Harbor over a tax of 3 pence per pound would not be happy with a tax ten times greater on every gallon of gas. Those who took up muskets over a total tax burden of less than 3% would not be happy with the fact that the federal government now takes more than half of everything you earn.
Today it is illegal for public school teachers to teach their students that the Declaration of Independence is really true (and not just an outdated historical document). The federal government is clearly at war with everything the Founding Fathers stood for.
America's greatest Americans would abolish today's federal government.
Muskets are Not an Option
There are two reasons why we should not take up arms to pull off the violent overthrow of the federal government, even if America's Founders would surely do so. First, the feds have nukes. Second, violent revolution is unChristian and unBiblical. We must beat our swords into plowshares and use persuasion to abolish tyranny. This is time for a revolution of ideas.
Revolution Won't Come in a Day
John Adams once wrote that the American Revolution began in 1761, when Massachusetts attorney James Otis began legal challenges to the Writs of Assistance. He lost the case, but "American independence," Adams wrote, "was then and there born." Now do the math. That means it took 15 years to convince the rest of America to declare Independence (1776). Then another seven years of war was required before a Peace Treaty was signed (1783), and
then six years before the Constitution was finally ratified (1789). That's almost 30 years. (And Jefferson said we shouldn't go 20 years without another rebellion!) How can we hope to convince Americans to fight for principles they were never taught in government schools? We need to be in this battle for the long term. "Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty."
The Internet Can Speed up the Revolution
Here are ways you can help.
Support This Campaign
Send emails. Find out how this free tool can change everything.
Vote Against Every Politician Who Voted for the Bailout, No Matter What
Communicating with Government and Media
- Contact Congress -- this is from the JBS website, powered by "CapWiz," from Capitol Advantage. Lots of organizations use capwiz. If you don't want to go through the JBS, search for capwiz on Google and find another organization that uses it.
Notice that you can also contact media through this webpage.
- Action E-List
Sign up for the JBS Action E-List and be notified when you can make a critical difference on important issues.
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Make Congress Read Their Bills Before Voting
Make Congress read every word of every bill they create before they vote on it.
Urge your Representative and your Senators to sponsor's “Read the Bills Act” (RTBA). |
TWIC - A Backdoor Real ID Card
Real ID is dying. But the Department of Homeland Security has a new plan to subject every American to a national ID card anyway. They plan to pick off one occupational field at a time, starting with the maritime industry. One man is fighting back. Meet him, and help stop this backdoor Real ID plan.
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Stop the Killer Horse Hormones
The FDA "outlawed" the use of Estriol, an estrogen medication that's bio-identical to human estrogen. Doctors must now prescribe animal-derived estrogen instead. Are bio-identical hormones dangerous, while animal-derived hormones are safe? No. The practice of medicine is moving to chemically identical to human hormones and away from animal hormones. Learn why the FDA decided to endanger women's health in this way, and take action. |
End Asset Forfeiture
If the government suspects you used your house or car in a crime, they can take it and sell it at auction. They don't even have to prove your guilt. They call this practice civil asset forfeiture, but it's really theft. It violates the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th and 14th Amendments. It also encourages law enforcement to put profits before justice. Tell Congress to end civil asset forfeiture.
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Support an Iraq Referendum
Americans keep debating when, how, or if to leave Iraq. Maybe we should ask the Iraqi people what they want. After all, it's their country. Tell Congress to request that the Iraqi government hold a public referendum on the U.S. occupation. Learn more »
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"Cap and Trade" is not the way
The politicians seem to be unifying around "cap and trade" as a way to cut CO2 emissions. If they take this step it may be the largest increase in the size, scope, and intrusiveness of government since the creation of Medicare. Worse still, it may not even achieve its purpose. Please tell Congress to oppose "cap and trade." Learn more »

Iraq Waste
Big government prospers through failure. Each new failure is used to justify more spending and new powers. Wasteful spending in Iraq is the latest example. One way to change this is to hold government accountable. A new bill in Congress seeks to provide some of the needed accountability. Please support it. Learn more »
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Stop the War for Terror
U.S. policy has inflamed the Middle East. It has made terrorism more likely rather than less. We seem to be fighting a war for terror, rather than on terror. This policy must stop. The place to start stopping is with Iran. We must not attack Iran. War with Iran would devastate our economy, disrupt world oil supplies, and recruit more terrorists. Click here to stop this war before it starts.
The Democrat Party Radio Address:
The The Democratic Radio Address was delivered by Barack Obama, the Democrat Party Presidential nominee. He made an extraordinary list of promises that cannot be kept by the federal government, and violate the Constitution even to try.
Click here for a replay of this edition of the Ozarks Virtual Town Hall