Join the
Discussion! Submit your question or comment right NOW
Your Question, Comment, or Topic will be Added to
the Agenda of this week's Ozarks Virtual Town Hall Regardless
of the Subject of Either Party's Weekly Radio Address
Be sure to listen to the
President's Weekly Radio Address at 10:00 am CST (heard
locally on KSCV
90.1 FM). You may also wish to check out the The Response of
the Republican Party (possibly here).
One half hour later, Libertarian Congressional Candidate Kevin
Craig will compare the President's remarks and the Republican
response with the principles of LIBERTY
in the U.S. Constitution and see how the other two parties
measure up. Be there! Join the conversation!
is the text of the President's Address with
notes and links to other resources (will be
posted soon after it appears on the White House website early
Saturday Morning)
The First Amendment of the
Constitution guarantees the right of The People to "assemble
together." Why did Americans demand this right
before they would ratify the Constitution? Because the
government doesn't
want people getting together, comparing notes, and
forming an "anti-government conspiracy."


The Town Hall was once the
symbol of government in America, because government was local.
"We the People" participated in the process of
local government, and we appreciated our right to speak, to
assemble together, and to petition the government for a
redress of grievances. The government was our servant. |
Today the government is
our master. Many people are afraid to participate
in events like a "Virtual Townhall," for fear
that our conversation is monitored by the "Department
of Homeland Security" and our names could be placed
on a list that restricts our travel or results in an audit
by the IRS.


for the government to give us that fear. It is time for
us take our duties as Americans seriously, to stand up,
to speak out, and oppose tyranny
and defend Liberty Under God
— no matter what the risks.
Ozarks Virtual Town Hall Archives
here to go to a replay of the June 30th, 2012 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “An
All-Hands-On-Deck Approach to Fighting the Colorado Wildfires”
[No Townhalls during March, April, May and June
2012 due to tornado.]
here to go to a replay of the February 25th, 2012 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “An
All-Of-The-Above Approach to American Energy”
here to go to a replay of the February 18th, 2012 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Continuing
to Strengthen American Manufacturing”
here to go to a replay of the February 11th, 2012 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Extending
the Payroll Tax Cut for the Middle Class”
here to go to a replay of the February 4th, 2012 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “It’s
Time for Congress to Act to Help Responsible Homeowners”
here to go to a replay of the January 28th, 2012 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “President’s
Blueprint Includes Renewal of American Values”
here to go to a replay of the January 21st, 2012 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Creating
Jobs by Boosting Tourism”
here to go to a replay of the January 14th, 2012 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Helping
American Businesses Succeed”
here to go to a replay of the January 7th, 2012 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Continuing
to Grow the Economy in the New Year”
here to go to a replay of the December 31st, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Working
Together in the New Year”
here to go to a replay of the December 24th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “The
President and First Lady Thank our Troops for their Service as we
Celebrate the Holiday Season”
here to go to a replay of the December 17th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Honoring
Those Who Served in Iraq, as the War Comes to An End”
here to go to a replay of the December 10th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Ensuring
a Fair Shot for the Middle Class”
here to go to a replay of the December 3rd, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Extending
and Expanding the Payroll Tax Cut”
here to go to a replay of the November 26th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Our subject: “Giving
Thanks for War?”
here to go to a replay of the November 19th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Creating
an Economy Built to Last”
here to go to a replay of the November 12th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Our subject: “Would
Jesus Celebrate Veterans Day?”
here to go to a replay of the November 5th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “We
Have to Increase the Pace”
here to go to a replay of the October 29th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Our subject: “Reformation
here to go to a replay of the October 22nd, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Bringing
Home Our Troops”
here to go to a replay of the October 15th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Made
in America”
here to go to a replay of the October 8th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Making
Your Voice Heard on the American Jobs Act”
here to go to a replay of the October 1st, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Fighting
for the American Jobs Act”
here to go to a replay of the September 24th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Strengthening
the American Education System”
here to go to a replay of the September 17th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Our subject: “Constitution
here to go to a replay of the September 10th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Remembering
September 11th”
here to go to a replay of the September 3rd, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Time
to Act on the Transportation Bill”
here to go to a replay of the August 27th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Coming
Together to Remember”
here to go to a replay of the August 20th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Putting
the American People First”
here to go to a replay of the August 13th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Putting
the American People First”
here to go to a replay of the August 6th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Our subject: “Hiroshima
and Subjection to the Powers that Be”
here to go to a replay of the July 30th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Acting
Responsibly on Behalf of the American People”
here to go to a replay of the July 23rd, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “A
Bipartisan Approach to Strengthening the Economy”
here to go to a replay of the July 16th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Securing
Our Fiscal Future”
here to go to a replay of the July 9th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Working
Together to Meet our Fiscal Challenges”
here to go to a replay of the July 2nd, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Our subject: “Would
Jesus Celebrate Independence Day?”
here to go to a replay of the June 25th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Our subject: “Would
Jesus Celebrate Independence Day?” 1 Week to
Independence Day
here to go to a replay of the June 18th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Our subject: “Fathers
Day” 2 Weeks to the 4th of July
here to go to a replay of the June 11th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Our subject: “Would
Jesus Celebrate Independence Day?” 3 Weeks to the
4th of July
here to go to a replay of the June 4th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Our subject: “Would
Jesus Celebrate Independence Day?” 30 Days to the
4th of July
here to go to a replay of the May 28th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Our subject: “Would
Jesus Celebrate Memorial Day?”
here to go to a replay of the May 21st, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Congress
Should Reform No Child Left Behind This Year”
here to go to a replay of the May 14th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Expanding
Responsible Oil Production in America”
here to go to a replay of the May 7th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Clean
Energy to Out-Innovate the Rest of the World”
here to go to a replay of the April 30th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Ending
Taxpayer Subsidies for Oil Companies”
here to go to a replay of the April 23rd, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Instead
of Subsidizing Yesterday's Energy Sources, We Need to Invest in
here to go to a replay of the April 16th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “We
Can Live Within Our Means and Live Up to the Values We Share as
here to go to a replay of the April 9th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “President
Obama on the Budget Compromise to Avoid a Government Shutdown”
here to go to a replay of the April 2nd, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Energy
Security Can Only Come If We Invest in Cleaner Fuels and Greater
here to go to a replay of the March 26th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “The
Military Mission in Libya”
here to go to a replay of the March 19th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “American
Jobs Through Exports to Latin America”
here to go to a replay of the March 12th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Women’s
History Month & Fair Pay”
here to go to a replay of the March 5th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: “Cutting
Waste, Investing in the Future”
here to go to a replay of the February 26th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Traveling
the Country, Winning the Future"
here to go to a replay of the February 19th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "To
Win the Future, America Must Win the Global Competition in Education"
here to go to a replay of the February 12th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "It’s
Time Washington Acted as Responsibly as Our Families Do"
here to go to a replay of the February 5th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "If
Business and Government Fulfill Their Responsibilities, America
Will Win the Future"
here to go to a replay of the January 29th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "America
Will Win the Future by Out-Innovating, Out-Educating, and
Out-Building Our Competitors"
here to go to a replay of the January 22nd, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "We
Can Out-Compete Any Other Nation"
here to go to a replay of the January 15th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Before
We are Democrats or Republicans, We are Americans"
here to go to a replay of the January 8th, 2011 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "President
Obama Touts Benefits of Tax Cut Package to Take Place in the New
here to go to a replay of the December 18th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "START
is About the Safety and Security of America; Not Scoring
Political Points"
here to go to a replay of the December 11th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Protecting
the Middle Class and the Economy"
here to go to a replay of the December 4th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Vice
President Biden Calls on Congress to Preserve the Middle Class
Tax Cuts and to Extend Unemployment Insurance This Year"
here to go to a replay of the November 27th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: Giving
Thanks for Those Who Serve
here to go to a replay of the November 20th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: New
START Treaty 'Fundamental' to Security
here to go to a replay of the November 13th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: Exports
and Earmarks
here to go to a replay of the November 6th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: Priorities
on Taxes
here to go to a replay of the October 30th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: Working
Together on the Economy
here to go to a replay of the October 23rd, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: Letting
Wall Street Run Wild Again
here to go to a replay of the October 16th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: GOP
Rewarding Corporations that Create Jobs Overseas
here to go to a replay of the October 9th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: President
Obama Underscores Commitment to Strengthening Our Education System
here to go to a replay of the October 2nd, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: President
Obama Lauds Clean Energy Projects as Key to Creating
here to go to a replay of the September 25th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: GOP
Leadership Standing up for Outsourcing and Special Interests,
Instead of American Workers
here to go to a replay of the September 18th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: The
Republican Corporate Power Grab
here to go to a replay of the September 11th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: The
9/11 Terrorist Attack: Nine Years Later Was
it an "Inside Job?"
here to go to a replay of the September 4th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Labor
here to go to a replay of the August 28th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "As
the Combat Mission in Iraq Ends, We Must Pay Tribute to Those Who
Have Served"
here to go to a replay of the August 21st, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: No
Corporate Takeover of Our Democracy
here to go to a replay of the August 14th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: Honoring
Social Security, Not Privatizing It
here to go to a replay of the August 7th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: President
Obama Highlights Benefits to Seniors Under the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act
here to go to a replay of the July 31st, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: Good
News on Autos, Obstruction on Small Business
here to go to a replay of the July 24th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: Obama
Praises New Wall Street Reform Law
here to go to a replay of the July 17th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: President
Obama Says GOP Senate Leadership Choosing to Filibuster Our
Recovery and Obstruct Our Progress
here to go to a replay of the July 10th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Veterans
with PTSD"
here to go to a replay of the July 3rd, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "A
Solar Recovery"
here to go to a replay of the June 26th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Finishing
the Job on Wall Street Reform"
here to go to a replay of the June 19th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Republicans
Blocking Progress"
here to go to a replay of the June 12th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Fair
Pay for Doctors"
here to go to a replay of the June 5th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Speaking
from Louisiana on the Oil Spill"
here to go to a replay of the May 29th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Would
Jesus Celebrate Memorial Day?"
here to go to a replay of the May 22nd, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "BP
Spill Independent Commission"
here to go to a replay of the May 15th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Wall
Street Reform & Main Street"
here to go to a replay of the May 8th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "President
Obama says Health Reform Starts to Kick In"
here to go to a replay of the May 1st, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Corporate
Takeover of Our Elections"
here to go to a replay of the April 24th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Promising
News From the Auto Industry"
here to go to a replay of the April 17th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Holding
Wall Street Accountable"
here to go to a replay of the April 10th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Recovery
Act Benefiting American Families During Tax Season"
here to go to a replay of the April 3rd, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "President
Obama Extends Holiday Greeting"
here to go to a replay of the March 20th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "President
Obama Urges Action on Financial Reform"
here to go to a replay of the March 13th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Education
for a More Competitive America & Better Future"
here to go to a replay of the March 6th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "What
Health Reform Will Deliver – This Year"
here to go to a replay of the February 27th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "The
Olympic Spirit, the Spirit of Bipartisanship, and Health Reform"
here to go to a replay of the February 20th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Premiums,
Profits, and the Need for Health Reform"
here to go to a replay of the February 13th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Pay
As You Go"
here to go to a replay of the February 6th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Obama
Calls for New Steps to Support America's Small Businesses"
here to go to a replay of the January 30th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Reining
in Budget Deficits"
here to go to a replay of the January 23rd, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Obama
Vows to Continue Standing Up to the Special Interests on Behalf
of the American People"
here to go to a replay of the January 16th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Getting
Our Money Back from Wall Street"
here to go to a replay of the January 9th, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Obama
Outlines Benefits of Health Reform to Take Effect This Year"
here to go to a replay of the January 2nd, 2010 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Steps
Taken to Protect the Safety and Security of the American People"
here to go to a replay of the December 26th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Celebrating
Christmas and Honoring Those Who Serve" Plus:
Why Followers of the Child born on Christmas
Should Abolish This Government
here to go to a replay of the December 19th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "President
Obama Says Health Insurance Reform Will Protect Patients and Hold
Insurance Companies Accountable" Plus:
Why Followers of the Child born on Christmas
Should Abolish This Government
here to go to a replay of the December 12th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Obama
Applauds Important Step Forward on Financial Reform"
here to go to a replay of the December 5th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Obama
Says Employment Trends Are Improving"
here to go to a replay of the November 28th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Giving
Thanks to the Unknown god"
here to go to a replay of the November 21st, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Traveling
Abroad for Our Economy at Home"
here to go to a replay of the November 14th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Obama
Calls for Comprehensive Review of Events Leading to Tragedy at Fort
here to go to a replay of the November 7th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Terrorism
at Ft. Hood"
here to go to a replay of the October 31st, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Obama
Says Recovery Act Creating Jobs and Strengthening Economy"
here to go to a replay of the October 24th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Small
Business Must be at the Forefront of the Recovery"
here to go to a replay of the October 17th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Taking
the Insurance Companies on Down the Stretch"
here to go to a replay of the October 10th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "New
Momentum for Health Reform"
here to go to a replay of the October 3rd, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Health
Insurance Reform Will Strengthen America’s Small Businesses"
here to go to a replay of the September 26th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Progress
with the G-20 in Pittsburgh"
here to go to a replay of the September 19th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Progress
in the Global Economy"
here to go to a replay of the September 12th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Instability
of Health Insurance in America"
here to go to a replay of the September 5th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "New
Initiatives for Retirement Savings"
here to go to a replay of the August 29th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Lessons
and Renewal Out of the Gulf Coast"
here to go to a replay of the August 22nd, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Myths
and Morality of Healthcare Reform"
here to go to a replay of the August 15th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "Healthcare
here to go to a replay of the August 8th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Hiroshima
and Nagasaki"
here to go to a replay of the August 1st, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall President's subject: "A
New Foundation"
Click here to
go to a replay of the July 25th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Socialized
Click here to
go to a replay of the July 18th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Government
and Health Care"
John Calvin's 500th Birthday Click
here to go to a replay of the July 11th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Recession: Act of
Government or Act of God?"
Independence Day | July
4th, 2009 Click
here to go to a replay of the July 4th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Time
for Another American Revolution? 1776-2009
Click here to
go to a replay of the June 27th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Does
Government Generate Energy and Create Jobs?"
Click here to
go to a replay of the June 20th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Does
Government Protect Consumers?"
Click here to
go to a replay of the June 13th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Health
Care Reform, the Key to Our Fiscal Future"
Click here to
go to a replay of the June 6th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Would
Jesus Celebrate D-Day? Who Really
Won World War II?
Click here to
go to a replay of the May 30th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Choosing a Minister of
God" Obama Nominates Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court
Click here to
go to a replay of the May 23rd, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Memorial Day" Would
Jesus Celebrate "Memorial Day?"
Click here to
go to a replay of the May 16th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Health Care and
Energy" The New Fascism
Click here to
go to a replay of the May 9th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Giving Mothers
Credit" Mother's Day Edition
Click here to
go to a replay of the May 2nd, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Dr. Obama's Swine Flu
Click here to
go to a replay of the April 25th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "The Myth of Government
Click here to
go to a replay of the April 18th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "The Myth of Government
Click here to
go to a replay of the April 11th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Passover &
Click here to
go to a replay of the April 4th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "No Taxation
Without G-20 Representation"
Click here to
go to a replay of the March 28th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Service: Voluntary
or Coerced?"
Click here to
go to a replay of the March 21st, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Huge Proposed
Federal Budget"
Click here to
go to a replay of the March 14th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "The FDA: Making
Life Safer?"
Click here to
go to a replay of the March 7th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "The Case for Bold
Click here to
go to a replay of the February 28th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Obama is Bush
Click here to
go to a replay of the February 21st, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "A Major
Click here to
go to a replay of the February 14th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Valentine's Day and more
on Obama's Spending Plan
Click here to
go to a replay of the February 7th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Stimulus: Good
News or Bad News?"
Click here to
go to a replay of the January 31st, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Moving
Click here to
go to a replay of the January 24th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "The Old Socialism
Begins Anew"
Click here to
go to a replay of the January 17th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Inauguration of a
Click here to
go to a replay of the January 10th, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "The War
Click here to
go to a replay of the January 3rd, 2009 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "The
Path of Peace"
Click here to
go to a replay of the December 27th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "War
on Earth" - Christmas in Washington, D.C.
Click here to
go to a replay of the December 20th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Automaker Bailout
Click here to
go to a replay of the December 13th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The War on Drugs and the War
on Housing
Click here to
go to a replay of the December 6th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Terrorists on the Run
Click here to
go to a replay of the November 29th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Thanksgiving,
Liberty, and Theocracy Should
the Government Give Thanks to God?
Click here to
go to a replay of the November 22nd, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The U.S. vs. the Free Market
Click here to
go to a replay of the November 15th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: International Financial
Regulation? Did you vote for our Foreign
Click here to
go to a replay of the November 8th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Was Voting a Waste of Time? The
Bush-Obama Transition
Click here to
go to a replay of the November 1st, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Is Voting a Waste of Time?
Click here to
go to a replay of the October 25th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Bailout Idolatry - America's
False Religion International Bankers are our Saviors
Click here to
go to a replay of the October 18th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: More Reassurances about the Bailout
Rescue Plan
Click here to
go to a replay of the October 11th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Reassurances about the Bailout
Rescue Plan
Click here to
go to a replay of the October 4th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The Bailout:
Government Gift to Foolish Investors
Click here to
go to a replay of the September 27th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The Bailout: Rescue
Plan or Enslavement Plan?
Click here to
go to a replay of the September 20th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Free Enterprise or
Fascist Bailouts?
Click here to
go to a replay of the September 13th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: 9-11, "National
Greatness," and National Service
Click here to
go to a replay of the September 6th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Hurricane Gustav and
Click here to
go to a replay of the August 30th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Labor Day
Click here to
go to a replay of the August 23rd, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Energy
Click here to
go to a replay of the August 16th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Georgia on My Mind
Click here to
go to a replay of the August 9th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Tyranny and the
Click here to
go to a replay of the August 2nd, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The Government-Caused
Energy Crisis
Click here to
go to a replay of the July 26th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Entangling Alliances
that Subsidize Special Interests
Click here to
go to a replay of the July 19th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Energy and Housing
Click here to
go to a replay of the July 5th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Independence Day
Click here to
go to a replay of the June 28th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Faith-Based"
Click here to
go to a replay of the June 21st, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Rising Gas
Click here to
go to a replay of the June 14th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Entangling
European Alliances" Additional information on
Click here to
go to a replay of the June 7th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "War Supplement
Click here to
go to a replay of the May 31st, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Congress
Returns from Memorial Day Vacation"
Click here to
go to a replay of the May 24th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Memorial
Click here to
go to a replay of the May 17th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "60th
Anniversary of the State of Israel"
Click here to
go to a replay of the May 10th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Mother's
Day" It's a war
between mothers and "archists"
Click here to
go to a replay of the May 3rd, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Economic
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go to a replay of the April 26th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Student Loans
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go to a replay of the April 19th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The Columbia
"Free Trade" Agreement
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go to a replay of the April 12th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Assessing "The
Surge" in Iraq
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go to a replay of the April 5th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Expanding the
Entangling NATO Alliance
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go to a replay of the March 29th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Tax Rebates and the
Housing Market
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go to a replay of the March 22nd, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Easter
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for a special St. Patrick's Day
conversation Subject: St. Patrick
and U.S. Foreign Policy March 16, 2008 Click
here for notes and resources
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go to a replay of the March 15th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Stimulating the
Economy, Preventing Recession
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go to a replay of the March 8th, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Government Torture of
Terrorist Suspects
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go to a replay of the March 1st, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The War on Drugs
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go to a replay of the February 23, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The Protect
Telecommunications Companies Act
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go to a replay of the February 16, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The Protect America
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go to a replay of the February 9, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Senate Confirmation of
Presidential Nominees
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go to a replay of the February 2, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The First Lady on Heart
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go to a replay of the January 26, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: State of the Union
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go to a replay of the January 19, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Economic Stimulus Package
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go to a replay of the January 12, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The President's Plan for
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go to a replay of the January 5, 2008 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The President's Entangling
Alliances in the Mideast
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go to a replay of the December 29, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: End of the Year, Looking
Forward to 2008 Energy, the Economy, Earmarks and . . . Did
the President neglect to mention the War in Iraq?? An Historic
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go to a replay of the December 22, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall A Special Christmas
Theme What is the relationship
between Christmas and America? and why do so many Americans
fail to understand the true meaning of either?
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go to a replay of the December 15, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Defense Appropriations Also:
the "New Direction" of Democrats' Energy Policy
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go to a replay of the December 8, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Help for Homeowners: The
Alternative Minimum Tax and the Mortgage Mess
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go to a replay of the December 1, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Congressional Action Between
Vacations: The War, Domestic Surveillance, Taxes, and the
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go to a replay of the November 24, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Thanksgiving and the
"Separation of Church and State"
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go to a replay of the November 17, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Thanksgiving" [?]
Alternative Minimum Tax
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go to a replay of the November 10, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Veterans Day"
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go to a replay of the November 3, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "The President's
Nominee for Attorney General"
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go to a replay of the October 27, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Southern California
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go to a replay of the October 20, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: "Cooperative
here to go to a replay of the October 13, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Free Trade Agreements and
the Economy
here to go to a replay of the October 6, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Socialized Children's Health
Insurance Program (SCHIP)
here to go to a replay of the September 29, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Budget Management and
Government Shutdown
here to go to a replay of the September 22, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: SCHIP: State Children's
Health Insurance Program
here to go to a replay of the September 15, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: General Petraeus Reports on
here to go to a replay of the September 8, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Iraq: From "Dark
Ideology" to "Normal Life."
here to go to a replay of the September 1, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The Subprime Mortgage
here to go to a replay of the August 25, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: A "Safer and
More Normal Life" in Iraq
here to go to a replay of the August 4, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Government's Crumbling
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to go to a replay of the July 28, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Expanding Powers of
Government Surveillance
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to go to a replay of the July 21, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Intelligence Estimate on the
Terrorist Threat
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to go to a replay of the July 14, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Progress in Iraq?
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to go to a replay of the July 7, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Government Spending and the
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to go to a replay of the June 30, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The Declaration of
Independence and Standing Armies
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to go to a replay of the June 23, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Immigration
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to go to a replay of the June 16, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Earmark Reform
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to go to a replay of the June 9, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Immigration
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to go to a replay of the June 2, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: G-8 Meeting: Africa, Global
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to go to a replay of the May 26, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Memorial
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to go to a replay of the May 19, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Immigration and Children
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to go to a replay of the May 12, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: Immigration and Disaster
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to go to a replay of the May 5, 2007 Ozarks
Virtual Town Hall Subject: The Funding of the War in
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